The Public Fall Of Bill Cosby
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The Public Fall Of Bill Cosby
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Since allegations arose that Cosby drugged and raped dozens or perhaps hundreds of women in his heyday, the world has been looking for a way to get revenge. The U.S. Navy revoked the honorary title of Chief Petty Officer they bestowed upon Cosby back in 2011. His star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame has been so repeatedly vandalized that workers had to remove it. Long standing concert dates have been canceled with patrons demanding their money back. Even old show business friends have turned their backs on Cosby in light of the damning evidence mounting against him. In a running joke among longtime members of the comedy circuit, several comedians publicly acknowledged that Cosby’s sexual abuse behavior has been one of America’s worst kept secrets.
In a recent appearance on the You Made It Weird podcast, comedian and actor Patton Oswalt said this:
“The Bill Cosby thing is so f**king awful, and what’s worse for comedians is a lot of us have known for a long f**king time. It was a very badly kept secret in the comedian world, and a lot of us would talk about it. Bobcat Goldthwait would mention it all the time, and really people would just go, ‘ah, that’s bulls**t.’ It took this long, and what really drives me f**king crazy about it is the idea that these women… just imagine, he did the s**t he did to these women when they were young and they were on this upswing. ‘Oh wow! My life is starting, my career’s starting… I’m gonna meet Bill Cosby,’ and this awful thing happens. They can never talk about it, so he’s just shot the ground out from under them. Not just in that one incident, but for decades of their lives when they’re supposed to be enjoying the time when they’re in their physical prime, in their mental prime, enjoying life. Some guy takes that away from them, he doesn’t lose a second of sleep over it… and by the way, how many women have come forward at this point, like thirteen? That means that there’s hundreds. That means that there’s f**king hundreds. If you see one cockroach there’s a thousand in your house. And they had to sit there for decades while this guy did this over and over again, didn’t lose any sleep, was beloved, and even now, everything is being taken away from him, but at worst he lives in comfy seclusion for the last years of his life. He lives in absolute luxurious exile for the rest of his life. That is one of the horrors of life.’”
– Patton Oswalt, Comedian
In America, we have all been taught to believe that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty. However, with all the judgments and punishments already mounting against Cosby, we all know this is a bunch of bullshit. Still, the evidence and sheer number of women who have already come forward don’t necessarily make Cosby’s case for innocence look very promising. So, what if he really did it?
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Granted, Bill Cosby is either a rapist or the victim of a set-up. However, the truth is, if Cosby is guilty, the statue of limitations has long since run out on there being a trial or of him being convicted. Had these women come forward a dozen or so years ago, it would be a no brainer. But they did not. So, no matter what any of us personally believe, the allegations will forever remain their word against his.
So, what exactly does the world want from Bill Cosby? Do they want him to get on national TV and admit he spent the better years of his life as a serial rapist? Do they want him to go crawl under a rock and never show his face in the light of day until he dies? NONE of this will EVER happen. EVER. Even if he allowed a public reckoning of the events he’s being accused of, tangible evidence proving he did or didn’t do it no longer exists, which means he is damned if he does or damned if he doesn’t regardless. So, what does the world want and/or expect from Bill Cosby? Is he a rapist or is he being extorted?
I have to be careful what I say here because this is a very sensitive subject for me.
You see, I was a victim of sexual assault as a child by a an adult male family member. I was 9 yrs old when it happened and it took me until age 20 to tell my mother and grandmother.
Granted I was a child when it happened. The women accusing Bill Cosby were adults at the time (young adults but adults nevertheless) and they too waiited years, even decades, to report it.
But I'd say ….based on Mr, Cosby's response, or the lack thereof, so far (to say nothing of the sheer number of women coming forward accusing this man)…there's way too much smoke for there NOT to be some fire.
In conclusion……I can't say what the world wants or expects from Mr. Cosby. But I can say this ….
IF even One of his accusers is telling the truth(?) the man is a Rapist ..a sexual Predator deserving of scorn, rebuke and even prison.
I was also sexually assaulted as a child by a family member, from the age of maybe four until around ten years old. So I can relate to Truthizz when he or she says that it sometimes takes years for a person to come to terms with the abuse and even admit it to themselves. I only mention this because of Truthizz' courage to do the same, but also to make the point that these women accusing Bill Cosby are being courageous too. I don't think any of them are asking for money or trying to take advantage of his success. They just want the truth known, as I did. His silence is suspect which leads me to believe he is guilty as sin. I know the article says the statue of limitations has expired but I did hear the LA police are investigating. I hope these ladies will find closure from their brave move of coming forward all these years later.
Hi Diane…….
Just want to say….I'm a female.
…and Thank You for having the Courage to share your story.
Well to my old friend Truth and to Diane I congratulate both of you for coming through what you went through. You are right when you say sometimes it takes a victim a while to talk about it with anybody. Bill has been real quiet with all the walls around him are crumbling down. Like my granddad used to say where there's smoke theirs fire. I don't want to think he was this pervert an predator but it's to many women who came forward now for it not to be true. I hope they find some kind of way to make him pay for what he's done.
What a good article today. Thanks to all those who have shared their experiences as well. I had such a hard time believing this when I first heard about it. It is hard for me not to see him as Dr. Huxtable. My heart goes out to the victims, I personally don't think there will ever really be "closure" in this particular situation, I think he will just hide for the rest of his life 🙁
And to my old friend, BD and to ClarkK, I thank you both for your kind words and your understanding.
Truly, had it not been for the love and support of Women like my mother and grandmother, added to the Grace of God, I shudder to think what would have become of me.
But I must also say…..
Speaking from my own experience, when men are supportive of those who've suffered such an unspeakable thing (to say nothing of traumatic), it can have an even greater impact in the healing process of the victim.
BREAKING NEWS: Famed actress and model Beverly Johnson has now come forward with her own story of being drugged and nearly raped by Bill Cosby. This does not look good.
STORY LINK: http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2014/12/bill-co…
My recent post Educator Threatens To Shoot Eric Garner Protesters
Re: Beverly Johnson's story
I can't say what more proof anyone would need to be convinced that Bill Cosby is (most likely) a Rapist…and a serial rapist at that.
As for me – I need no more proof. Ms. Johnson's story is good enough for me.