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The Talk Ad From Proctor & Gamble Stirs Racist Fears

- Whites revolt, blame Obama, threaten P&G

Story Highlights
  • This is not about you getting a ticket... this is about you not coming home!
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Proctor-Gamble has created a bold new ad campaign entitled ‘The Talk,’ which tackles the very serious issue of racial bias and inequality.  African-Americans are almost unanimously calling the ad a touching tribute to their daily existence.  However,  many whites are calling it divisive and are even threatening to boycott the company and all of its products.

‘The Talk’ displays to an oblivious world the very real conversation almost every black parent has to have with their sons and daughters about surviving in America.  The ad shows a mother comforting her young son after the first time he is called the “N” word and how he should never let the word hurt him.  It shows a black couple teaching their son how “some” people will prevent him from getting ahead simply because of what he looks like.  It even shows a mother teaching her daughter about how to correctly handle herself when stopped by the police.  “This is not about you getting a ticket… this is about you not coming home!” the mother says.

the talk

Many whites are completely unaware that black parents throughout the country have been having ‘The Talk’ with their children for years — and that it’s nothing new.  However, their ignorance to its existence and necessity and the fact they can’t relate (because it’s not a discussion they ever have to have) has them crying foul.

Interestingly, the ad NEVER ONCE says anything against whites or even mentions them specifically. Perhaps purposely, the ad remains neutral and generic, mentioning how “some” people might treat blacks or how “this person” or “that lady” acted.  Still, many whites took those generic terms as a direct attack against them and their supremacy and have flooded social media with anger and disgust.

Take a look at a few examples:


The ultra-conservative publication Right Wing News also weighed in with this commentary:


During his eight years in the White House, Barack Obama successfully divided Americans along all racial lines like no other modern president had before. Instead of working to unify races after eight years of division, popular U.S. company Proctor & Gamble continues Obama’s “legacy” to divide Americans even more with an outlandish, race-baiting commercial.

Right Wing News reported that Proctor & Gamble released a new ad this week called ‘The Talk,’ and it features black parents explaining to their children how the world is against them because white people are racist. It’s sad that in 2017, we still have parents convincing their children that they are victims of genetics, and they’ll never succeed in life because of their skin color.

Proctor & Gamble manufactures various household products such as Cascade, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Tide, Swiffer, and Downy. This commercial is a terrible way to advertise these products, as race has absolutely nothing to do with them. Instead of telling Americans why they should buy Proctor & Gamble’s dish soap, the company is trying to shame people for being white and telling black young people that they have disadvantages based on their skin color – all this to “start a conversation.”


WOW!  And, what does Barack Obama have to do with a Proctor & Gamble ad — or is he the “catch-all” for any and all animosity aimed at African-Americans?

the talk


If you’ve been wondering about the secret society of Americans who are pro-Trump and all of his anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-minority rhetoric, look no further than the White-Americans who have come out so forcefully against this ad.  They are the whites who believe that any sensitivity toward blacks is racist.  They are the whites who believe that any mention that black lives matter (as if anyone is saying “ONLY” black lives matter) is racist. They are the whites who are so fearful of losing their majority status, that the very mention of anything even remotely tilted to honor non-whites is wrong and won’t be tolerated.  Apparently, Donald Trump has given them permission to come out of the closet and declare things must always be all about them or else about nothing at all!

Take a look at ‘The Talk’ and tell us what you think.  Is the ad a blatant “fuck you” and slap in the face to all of White America?  Or is it a glimpse into the living rooms of black families all across America for the past several decades on the tools African-Americans need to make it in the good ol’ US of A?



OK WASSUP! discusses race relations:
Proctor & Gamble ad ‘The Talk’ stokes white fears.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Thanks for sharing this DJ. I had not seen this commercial before now.

Wow. What an incredibly bold step for Proctor & Gamble to take. And I love it!

Re: Whites who may have a problem with this ad

I do think it rather telling that – as DJ points out – “Interestingly, the ad NEVER ONCE says anything against whites or even mentions them specifically.”

Yes indeed. Sometimes what’s NOT said can be as powerful, if not moreso, than what’s said.

“The Talk” is simply about telling “The Truth.” Anyone offended by that…..well, they need to resolve that issue within them-self,


WOW DJ you really surprised me with this one today. Every single point you made was solid. I read todays story earlier but I had to go away from it and think before I could make a comment. There is nothing wrong with this ad. As a black man I can related to it because my parents had the talk with me some years ago. In fact it kind of brought a tear to my eye black parents even have to have the talk. But it’s funny how black people are seeing it one way and white people are seeing it another. Nobody said one word about white in that commercial but all these white people went crazy over it and got offended for no reason. I don’t know why they feel so threatened these days because they got Trump in there giving them everything they want. Still that is… Read more »


Nobody said one word about white in that commercial but all these white people went crazy over it and got offended for no reason. […]

Oh there is a reason BD. And WE all know what that reason is. This ad shines a BRIGHT light on a very Uncomfortable Truth; Everybody CAN’T handle the “Truth,” especially those who feel a sense of shame and/or Guilt and would rather all of America pretend that the Truth is NOT a factor at all.

It’s like having to admit the main reason Trump is president today is primarily due to an Uncomfortable Truth. And as we all know, the Truth can, and often does, Hurt.


Yes you are right. We all know the real deal.

Hey Truth did you notice we made it to senior member? I like the title and new emblem we get. High on the hog now.


Hey Truth did you notice we made it to senior member? I like the title and new emblem we get. High on the hog now. […]

Hey BD, I think that means we get to sit at the *big kids* table now…Lol.


#1, any white person taking issue with this needs to address their self-esteem issues. I appreciate this very real depiction of reality.

Personally, I would have liked to not have the music, but rather have a narration by the authors behind the scenes speaking to the memory alongside the depictions.

My hope — that it will indeed spark forward moving, positive dialogue.


First I cried after watching it knowing that children still go through this in 2017. Then I got angry knowing that children still go through this in 2017, that’s where any anger should come from. Kudos to P&G for making this, sad that they had to.


BEAUTIFUL! I’ve had these talks from my parent and AS a parent!! SAD that it’s 2017 and we still need “the talk”! 🙁

Random White Guy

Anybody who can’t see the racism in this ad is plain ignorant. Why do we keep talking about race and how the white man is keeping everybody down? Look dumbasses everything is not about black and white. Get over it.

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