Current Events
The Truth About Columbus Day
Current Events –
The Truth About Columbus Day
Today is a national holiday, but it shouldn’t be. You see, today was set aside to honor a thief and a horrible man — Christopher Columbus. So, it’s time to get rid of all the false ideas we’ve been conditioned to believe about this man and finally learn the truth!
Current Events
For centuries we’ve been told that Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. He didn’t. What he did was STOLE America, since it was already inhabited by its indigenous people.
When he first arrived, the people in what would later be called America were welcoming and polite to him. Realizing he could use their politeness to his advantage, he went back to Spain and gathered an army. He then returned to the new land, beat and killed the men, raped the women, then TOOK America.
Current Events
It’s time we all knew the real story behind the man we’ve honored with a national holiday. If you really want to know the TRUTH about Christopher Columbus, find out the real deal by clicking HERE.
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Today, the myth of Christopher Columbus is dispelled!