
The View And Its Kamala Harris COVID Catastrophe

- Positive COVID tests force hosts to leave set during live telecast

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Producers of ABC’s THE VIEW are under fire today after a live on-air COVID crisis involving co-hosts Sunny Hostin, Ana Navarro, and Vice-President Kamala Harris.

On Friday, THE VIEW was set to host an exclusive live interview with Vice-President Harris.  However, mere seconds before the vice-president was to enter the studio to join hosts Joy Behar, Sara Haines, Sunny Hostin, and Ana Navarro, showrunner Brian Teta yelled for Hostin and Navarro to immediately leave the set.  The 2 ladies complied without knowing why they were told to exit on live television, leaving remaining hosts Behar and Haines holding the bag while attempting to ad-lib before millions of viewers.

The View
Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro

The View
Eventually, Behar and Haines riffed by taking several questions from the audience then cut to a horrifically long commercial break.  However, upon returning to the live broadcast, Behar broke the shocking news to everyone watching.

Apparently, ABC discovered that both Hostin and Navarro had tested positive for COVID and they were told to leave the studio out of caution for Vice-President Harris.  Now, inquiring minds are asking the obvious question: how did ABC not know the health status of their entire panel BEFORE the vice-president arrived at THE VIEW and why did they find out the results live on-air only seconds before the VP was to join the panel?


The on-air chaos was “an absolute trainwreck,” The Hill columnist Joe Concha tweeted. However, an anonymous source inside THE VIEW provided the most scathing details against the show and its near-emergency.

The View
Brian Teta

“It shows how poorly mismanaged the show is… as it truly is a sh*t show,” the ABC source said.

“Joy is an elderly woman pushing 80, regardless of her vaccination status, she needs to be protected and they have failed in their duty of care,” the source fumed. “Over the summer, Joy had been very vocal to ABC management about her concerns returning to the studio, they could’ve exposed her to great danger.

“His [showrunner Brian Teta] ass should be on the line for this,” the source concluded.

Although the production crew disinfected all studio surfaces during the commercial break, Vice-President Harris never entered the TV set on orders from her Secret Service detail.  Instead, she was ushered to another studio inside ABC where the remaining hosts of THE VIEW conducted a brief “Zoom-like” interview with her.

Despite the chaotic situation, the VP took it all in stride.

“Listen, Sunny and Ana are strong women and I know they’re fine but it really also does speak to the fact that they’re vaccinated and vaccines really do make all the difference. Because otherwise, we would be concerned about hospitalization or worse,” Ms. Harris said.

“I’ve been watching, like many of you, with heartache, with the videos of people who are in an ICU bed, who did not get vaccinated, pleading with their family members, ‘please get vaccinated,'” Harris added.

She continued: “You know, when I think of it in the context of any one of us who have had these awful experiences of holding the hands of a loved one who is in an ICU bed, or is near death — like, don’t put your families through that. The vaccine is free. It is safe, and it will save your life. So folks just need to get vaccinated.”

The View
Joy Behar interviews Vice-President Harris remotely at ABC studios

After THE VIEW concluded its show for the day, producers realized that both Hostin and Navarro had received false-positive test results — and that the entire hullabaloo was totally unnecessary.

Still, how did ABC not have all these details worked out before the person next in line to the presidency of the United States was on the premises?

OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment News:
THE VIEW and its on-air COVID catastrophe.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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After THE VIEW concluded its show for the day, producers realized that both Hostin and Navarro had received false-positive test results — and that the entire hullabaloo was totally unnecessary.

Still, how did ABC not have all these details worked out before the person next in line to the presidency of the United States was on the premises? [….]

Because as the ABC source expressed- behind the scene, it’s a “poorly managed” tv show; “truly a sh*t-show.” 

And actually, I’ve never watched that show. Ever. 

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

I did not see this but my co worker has been talking about it all day. How they almost put Kamala at risk is unbelievable. Somebody needs to lose their job over it.

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