Comments on: Thin-Skin Trump vs. Ryan, McCain, and Everyone News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 04 Aug 2016 04:36:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 03 Aug 2016 18:30:01 +0000 "Trump’s Temperament"


Such is Donald Trump’s vanity and sense of grievance that he cannot help himself, even when his actions are demonstrably damaging his campaign — and even when the people closest to him are warning him to knock it off and get back on course criticizing Hillary. If he can’t stifle it for the sake of advancing his own political interests, how is he going to control himself when the national interests are at stake?

What happens when there’s an international crisis because some foreign leader insults Trump’s honor (such as it is)? A man with this kind of temperament in charge of the world’s biggest and most advanced fighting force is terrifying. If Khizr Khan and John McCain can get under his skin and into his head like that, how in the heck would he manage Hassan Rouhani and Kim Jong Un — to say nothing of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping?

This is not the behavior of a strong, mature man. This is the behavior of a weak, childish one. The Republicans ought to be steamrollering Hillary Clinton right about now. Instead, its nominee is defeating himself without Hillary having to lay a glove on him. […] Rod Dreher, TAC writer

TAC Reader:
This is the strangest thing about Trump: he seems incapable of calculating, of considering options and deliberating and making decisions on the basis of foreseeable real-world consequences. He’s just a collection of impulses. There are, apparently, a large number of people out there who share those impulses and greatly enjoy their unmediated expression; but unmediated impulses don’t make for reasonable or responsible governance, nor – it appears – for effective campaigning (at least in a general election).

Clearly Hillary is a little too good at calculating. But that means she’s capable of being careful, or shrewd; she’s capable of prudence, responsibility even. Because Trump is so sure of his impulses, and seemingly so incapable of questioning or examining them, he’s also incapable of calculation, prudence and responsibility. This is not someone who should be allowed within 100 miles of the presidency. [….]

[NFR: I think this comment really does say it all on the temperament front. Trump has no internal self-restraint. — RD]

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 03 Aug 2016 18:23:46 +0000 NRO Reader:
Conservatism is dead within the Republican party. The sooner that conservatives realize this and join forces under a new banner, the sooner we'll become the prominent voice of American politics. We've got to stop thinking that we are Republicans. That ship has sailed. […]

LGF Reader:
Trump is falling apart before our eyes. Hated and despised by main line Republicans. Far more enemies than friends and a trend that is diving against him. However, Donald Trump believes it is "rigged," is it possible he is complicit in the rigging of the results against himself? […]

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 03 Aug 2016 18:06:24 +0000 BREAKING….(at about 2:00 PM EST).

"Mike Pence endorses Paul Ryan, a day after Donald Trump declined to"

Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan's re-election bid Wednesday, a day after running mate Donald Trump declined to do so.

In a phone interview with Fox News, Pence backed the Wisconsin congressman in his bid against a primary challenger. The Indiana governor said Trump and Ryan would "do great things" if elected.

"I spoke to Donald Trump this morning about my support for Paul Ryan, our longtime friendship. He strongly encouraged me to endorse Paul Ryan in next Tuesday's primary. I'm pleased to do it," Pence told Fox. [….] CNBC

Meanwhile news media are also reporting…………..

"Key Republicans close to Donald Trump are planning an “intervention” with the GOP presidential nominee"


Gingrich and Giuliani reportedly will spearhead said intervention.

You can't make this stuff up…smh.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 03 Aug 2016 17:29:02 +0000 In reply to Mr. BD.

BD, we knew Trump was gonna give Hillary plenty of help and we said as much right here on Ok Wassup!

But this really is ridicules.

Now that fool is looking around for a scapegoat reason for why he's most likely going to lose (probably in a landslide) to Hillary in November. by already yelling "the system is rigged."

By: Mr. BD Wed, 03 Aug 2016 16:28:29 +0000 LOL oh yeah I forgot to say all the while Trump is ruining himself the Democrats are sitting back laughing. They don't have to lift a finger, just let him hang himself.
