Andrew Breitbart is the architect behind this entire fiasco. In a public squabble with the NAACP, he is responsible for introducing and meticulously editing the famed video we’ve now all seen of Shirley Sherrod, who appeared to be making racist remarks before a gathering of NAACP members.
Andrew Breitbart started this firestorm. Andrew Breitbart succeeded in stirring up controversy. Andrew Breitbart hoodwinked the NAACP and the White House into a knee-jerk reaction against a doctored Shirley Sherrod tape, which caused her to lose her job. Now, Andrew Breitbart is missing in action. He has yanked the videotape and references to Shirley Sherrod from his websites, has gone into hiding, refuses to apologize or admit he may have been wrong, and — get this — is now calling HIMSELF the victim, NOT Shirley Sherrod. Interesting, huh?
In case you’re unfamiliar with Andrew Breitbart and his history, get further acquainted with him by checking out the video below:
Thank you for this story DJ. There's a lot of people out there causing harm just under the radar. We really need to wake up and learn about this guy and others like him.
Austin-American Statesman: The lies bent, but did not break the public servant. No one — not her bosses at the USDA, not the NAACP leadership, not the White House and not the media came to her aid as she was being railroaded by false prophets.Amazingly, truth came calling from Georgia in the form of Spooner, 87, and his wife, Eloise, who call Sherrod a friend who saved their family farm from bankruptcy.But the lies continue. Breitbart and those of his ilk again are distorting truth by casting aspersion on attendees at Sherrod's March speech because they clapped, laughed and shouted in approval when she said admitted she withheld assistance from Spooner because of his race.You should know that repentance is a participatory event in the black church and culture. You laugh, clap, cheer and cry as the speaker repents the sinful behavior that led him astray and then to reconciliation.Folks stepping in cold to such situations might misunderstand those events. Why, they might ask, are people applauding a drug dealer who is boasting about his crimes or an alcoholic bragging about the number of tequila shots he could down in an hour or a black woman touting her prejudice against a white farmer facing financial ruin?But if they stayed to the end of those stories, they would see that the laughs, shouts and claps were not expressions of agreement, but a form of witnessing known as call and response. The worse the behavior, the louder the shouts and claps because folks know that the story ultimately turns toward redemption. […]Amen! I'm a witness_ “call and response” is indeed the norm in my church. As I watch this story play out, Mrs. Sherrod has emerged from this injustice even taller than she was before. Prior to this nonsense, her good works were known only to those whom she’s helped over the years. Now, the entire nation_ nay, THE WORLD_ know of her life story. She has weathered THIS storm with grace, NOT hate, despite the futile attempts of Breitbart and his ilk, who are still trying to “hang” Mrs. Sherrod just to get back at the NAACP. Ironically, it is HIM who seems to be left "hanging" by HIS OWN rope. He's pitiful. Dangerous. But also pitiful.
BTW…One question: What does it mean when the leader of a White Supremacist group says the Tea-Party is “Racist”_?!LGF:James Edwards, host of the repellent white supremacist radio show called “The Political Cesspool,” is irritated at all this denial coming from Tea Partiers. He says they should stop being such wusses and embrace their inner racists.White Pride Group Tells Tea Party: You're in Denialhttp://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/36825_White_Pride_Group_Tells_Tea_Party-_Youre_in_DenialWhite Pride Group Urges Tea Party to Flaunt Its Bigotry Full read: http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2010/07/wh…
James Edwards, host of the repellent white supremacist radio show called “The Political Cesspool,” is irritated at all this denial coming from Tea Partiers. He says they should stop being such wusses and embrace their inner racists.CRAZY!!
And now for your “Blazing Saddles’ moment:PoliticusUSA: Breitbart Claims That His Edited Sherrod Video is an Obama Plot to Destroy Him“Andrew Breitbart was on Michael Savage’s show today, where he claimed that his own edited video of Shirley Sherrod is really a campaign by Barack Obama to destroy him. Breitbart said, “I believe that he is orchestrating the campaign to destroy me and my reputation.”Commenter:This reminds me of Blazing Saddles where the sheriff takes himself hostage and says no one move or I'll shoot (as the guns pointed at his own head) and he says that he (the sheriff) is crazy enough to do it. [..]Hat-Tip: LGFAs IF the President gives a flying fig about this Pathetic excuse of a human-being_lol.Poor fella_smh.