Current Events
The Tiger Woods fall out just seems to keep imploding.
Late yesterday evening, Tiger announced he will not participate in this year’s Chevron World Challenge at Sherwood Country Club in Thousand Oaks, Calif., which incidentally happens to be HIS OWN charity golf event. But, even more shocking, Woods also said he will not play golf at all for the remainder of the year. What gives??
This news comes on the heels of the just released 911 call a neighbor made after finding Woods sprawled on the ground unconscious:
I take it for a grain of salt thesedays when athletes say that they're retiring- especially boxers. When boredom sets in and/or the money has gone then they're right back in the mix of things.
The court of public opinion is really beating Tiger Woods up badly. If he and his advisers were smart, they'd just speak briefly to the media and try to harness the out of control rumor mill that is slowly ruining him.
Maybe keeping his mouth shut is the way to go and in 2 or 3 weeks this will all blow over???But 2 or 3 weeks can be a lifetime in the world of celebridom!It seems like a mighty RISKY strategy to me, allowing himself to be defined by the media. I've NEVER known THAT to be a good thing for anyone_smh.