Current Events
Tiger Woods, perhaps the world’s most famous athlete, was involved in a car crash just outside his home late Thanksgiving night. But reports are surfacing there may be a bit of scandal behind the accident!
THE STORY: At approximately 2:25am late Thursday/early Friday morning, Tiger Woods was zooming out of the driveway of his palatial Florida estate, when he inexplicably hit a fire hydrant before crashing into a neighbors tree. Woods wife, Elin, heard the crash from inside their home and reportedly raced outside to find Tiger in and out of consciousness behind the wheel. She used a golf club to break the back windshield and drag her husband to safety, where he laid on the ground unconscious for 6 minutes before paramedics arrived. Tiger was admitted to the hospital with lacerations on his lip and face, but was released late Friday. Now police have some serious questions they want answered.
Where was the pro golfer headed at 2am? Why would he hit a known fire hydrant in front of his own home? Why did it take his representatives 13 hours to inform the media of the accident and his injuries? Why did his wife break open 2 back windows of their SUV in a low speed accident and drag Tiger through broken glass, instead of just open the door? These are all questions police wanted answered by Tiger in standard post-accident questioning. But Woods consistently turned police away 3 times and oddly refused to answer anything. On Sunday afternoon, Woods finally released a statement via his own website saying it was just a simple accident, while still refusing to talk to police. His self imposed veil of secrecy only served to promote further confusion that if it was just a simple accident, why dodge the police? Now, according to TMZ, they have filled in the blanks and discovered the accident was the result of a domestic dispute. They say the dust up between Mr. and Mrs. Woods can be attributed to marital problems and reports that he’s got a side piece.
Apparently, Mr. and Mrs. Woods got into an argument over reports of his infidelity. The argument got so heated, she scratched his face up (causing the cuts and scrapes originally said to have been caused by the accident). Woods retreated to his Cadillac SUV to flee the property and then, according to TMZ:
“Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club. We’re told Woods became ‘distracted,’ thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree. We’re also told Woods had said during the conversation Friday he had been taking prescription pain medication for an injury, which could explain why he seemed somewhat out of it at the scene.”

In his website released statement, Woods is quoted as saying “This situation is MY fault…” and “…it will NEVER happen again!” But what exactly does he mean?
The primary causes of the destruction of MOST marriages are Infidelity, substance abuse and addictions and LYING.Whether Wood's has gotten himself into mess as a result of any of the aforementioned serious "issues"…??? I suspect he has. But whatever the "Truth" is_he and his wife will fight to keep it "private". There is a lot of money to be LOST if Tiger's image takes a big hit. Everybody knows that.
Doesn't Tiger realize not talking to police or the press is just dragging the story out more? If it was only a accident why not tell that to police and be done? The only reason I can see for him clamming up is he's hiding something.I think you hit it on the head DJ. The story of him hitting a tree never sounded right to me. His wifey bashing in the window with a golf club cuz of him cheating makes perfect sense now.
So it's now official_Woods has dropped out of his own his golf tournament in Cali, this week, due to his injuries and the car crash. Talk about DRAMA. Neither he NOR his PR reps have done him any favors by how BADLY they've mishandled this entire mess_smh.His image could very well take a bit of beating before the media fires cool down!
Whoever his handlers are should be fired. This has been completely mis-handled.If it was only a accident just talk to police and get it over with. If it was more than that still make some statement. But the silent treatment isn't working. I hate to say it but this is going to cost him with fans and endorsements.