Donald Trump’s authorization to bomb and assassinate a top Iranian official was not only a cheap and desperate act to save himself from the impeachment scandal, but is already being called the launch of World War III.
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General Qasem Suleimani was killed late last week when ‘The Donald’ decided to play Commander-In-Chief and kill the beloved and revered Middle East leader during a midnight bombing raid at an airport in Iraq. Although Trump refused to address Congress to explain his unexpected military action, official word from The White House is that Suleimani and Iran were allegedly preparing to kill American officials in the Middle East and that a preeminent strike was therefore necessary.
Hmmm… Even a blind man can see this is (to borrow a Joe Biden phrase) a bunch of malarky!

IF Iran was indeed preparing to kill Americans, the US military could have easily conducted a stealth mission and taken Suleimani out in secret without fanfare or proof of guilt. They could have made his death look like an accident by poisoning him or causing a heart attack days later with their fingerprints nowhere near the scene of the crime.
Additionally, IF Iran was planning to kill Americans, assassinating Suleimani doesn’t suddenly stop American deaths. Suleimani was only 1 general. Iran has many more readily available to pick up where he left off.
So, why the July 4th-style bombing and the ensuing bravado? Donald Trump needed a distraction from impeachment. He needed an ego booster and a victory lap. He needed to let it be known that HE authorized the murder of the Iranian official and that HE effectively pulled the trigger. He needed to tweet the picture of an American flag after Suleimani’s death to show the world that he was ‘The Man.’
“USA! USA!! USA!!!”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2020
Was this truly the deed of a legitimate American military commander acting to preserve, protect, and defend American citizens by choosing the destruction of assassination over diplomacy? Or was this the act of a wannabe king cornered by an impeachment proceeding who desperately needed a swift military act to boost his ego, save his own ass and (hopefully) sway public opinion to back him during a global military crisis?
Welcome to 2020, folks, and welcome to World War III.
The murder of Suleimani AND the blatant victory lap by Trump that followed was completely unnecessary. Pulling America back into a war in the Middle East with no real plan to succeed and no logical way out is beyond idiotic.
Trump has repeatedly claimed that victory in the Middle East would be swift. Too bad he’s still living in the 20th Century and doesn’t recognize that war is no longer fought on a battlefield, but on the streets of Tehran, Jerusalem, or even New York City.
“Officials have stepped up security at New York’s airports, utilities, transit system and high-profile spots. We’re in, at this point, a de facto state of war between the United States of America and Iran.” NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio
Trump’s decision to assassinate Soleimani will not/does not stop the death of Americans. In fact, it assures it. Trump has now left Iran with no other alternative but to respond in kind. However, rest assured that they will strike in their own way and in their own time without warning. More importantly, those Iranian and Iraqi citizens who revered Soleimani as god-like, they too will respond and strike in their own way and in their own time without warning. Except, their response will amount to asymmetrical warfare targeting citizens, companies, and military personnel.
The US State Department has warned American citizens in Iran and Iraq to leave those countries immediately. Embassy workers inside American installations have huddled behind weakened diplomatic walls fearing for their lives. Israel went on immediate high alert and said they were expecting an imminent response due to their allegiance with the US. American companies said they are anticipating impending cyberattacks of massive proportions. New York and other major metropolitan cities and airports are at Code Red and holding their breaths for the harsh revenge they expect is on the way and will linger for years to come. Americans everywhere are now walking targets with a bullseye on their backs.
In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2011
Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2012
Don’t let Obama play the Iran card in order to start a war in order to get elected–be careful Republicans!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2012
Donald Trump didn’t just kill a Middle Eastern bad guy in order to save himself. He launched a war with no soldiers, no battlefield, no known enemy or nation to exact blame against, no way to control it, and no way out.
Interestingly, President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama each decided that going after Suleimani was not worth the terror and horrific loss of American lives that would follow. However, Donald Trump decided to step directly on that land mine.
For decades, many around the world have wished death to America and longed for a US-instigated war that could provide valid reason to retaliate. Brace yourselves, because Donald Trump just handed it to them on a silver platter.
DJ, I had hoped you would cover this story this morning. You did not disappoint.
First let me say – Happy New Year to You, and BD, and All of your readers!
I was away on vacation from Dec. 23 until today and I truly tried to enjoy every minute of it.’s nice to be back on this site.
Okay so you asked…..
[Was this truly the deed of a legitimate American military commander acting to preserve, protect, and defend American citizens by choosing the destruction of assassination over diplomacy? Or was this the act of a wannabe king cornered by an impeachment proceeding who desperately needed a swift military act to boost his ego, save his own ass and (hopefully) sway public opinion to back him during a global military crisis?]
This was the act of an amoral creature “cornered by an impeachment proceeding who desperately needed a swift military act to boost his ego, save his own ass and (hopefully) sway public opinion to back him during a global military crisis.”
He has struck the most dangerous Cobra in the Middle East. And he has done so WITHOUT Just cause. Now we are forced to wait and see how and WHEN that Cobra will strike back.
‘Lying Us Into War With Iran’
The Trump administration has made a habit of lying about all things related to Iran, so it should come as no surprise that their official justification for killing Soleimani is similarly dishonest. Pompeo has said that the assassination was ordered to prevent an “imminent” attack, but that appears to be based on Nothing. […] Daniel Larison, TAC writer, 1-4-20
TAC Reader:
The Iraqi parliament and, I believe, its prime minister have called for the withdrawal of US troops. If they don’t want us in their country we will become an army of occupation. […]
‘Mideast Democracy Update: Iraq Wants Us Out’
The very parliament we helped install votes to expel our troops.
Lost amid the Iranian recriminations over the assassination of Qassem Soleimani has been the outrage in Iraq. Soleimani was popular there, too, and Iraqi militia figures, including the powerful Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, were killed during our attack. Thousands have poured into Baghdad to mourn Soleimani’s death, and now the Iraqi parliament has taken a remarkable step. […] D. Larison, TAC writer, 1-5-20
Now please note: “Although the vote was 170-0 in Parliament, many of its 328 members, primarily Kurds and Sunnis, did not attend the session and did not vote.”
And I don’t think it’s binding. But’s “a remarkable step.”
Rod Dreher:
I have a terrible feeling about all this. This Reuters report about Soleimani co-ordinating attacks on US troops in Iraq sounds credible. Nevertheless, one has to wonder if this escalation was prudent. And God help us if Trump strikes Iranian cultural sites. That would be a war crime.
I can’t offer you any kind of analysis. Like my Iranian friend, I feel that this is out of our hands. If you pray, pray for peace. […] 1-5-20
TAC Reader:
As the resurgent Rumsfelds, Wolfowitzes and Boltons put it {in the run-up to the Iraq invasion}, we are an Empire now, and we create our own reality that the rest have to live in. There is no recognized accountable limit to American power to destroy whomever fails to submit to whomever wields that power, which is not us ordinary Americans. But because this tyranny speaks English, it is the best of all possible worlds? We have forgotten God, so we do not seek His will be done on earth, as in Heaven, but that of our lusts. […]
We have forgotten God, so we do not seek His will be done on earth, as in Heaven, but that of Our, corruption, greed and lusts. WE (America) are drunk with unbridled Power and THAT is Our damnable Failure.
Hey Happy new year DJ, Truth, everybody.
So this story got me all in knots and arguing with some of the guys at work because I said Trump did this for his self interests. But some guys are trying to say we had to kill this general to send a message we are not weak. That is the stupidest thing I ever heard. First of all if this man was planning to kill Americans they have all kinds of people over there that can do that. Killing him does not stop a thing. The only thing it did do was start some mess we will not be able to get out of too easy. If Trump thinks Iran and all those groups over there are going to bow down to him and become cowards now he has another thing coming. They have people over there who have been looking for trouble and Trump played right into it. God help us for what is about to come.
First of all if this man was planning to kill Americans they have all kinds of people over there that can do that. Killing him does not stop a thing. The only thing it did do was start some mess we will not be able to get out of too easy. If Trump thinks Iran and all those groups over there are going to bow down to him and become cowards now he has another thing coming. They have people over there who have been looking for trouble and Trump played right into it. God help us for what is about to come. […]
And let the Church say Amen, BD.
And let the Church say Amen.