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Once upon a time there was the television, where we all watched and enjoyed television programs. Once upon a time there was also the computer, where we did work and online computer stuff.  But at some unknown point in history the two technologies melded, yet the hardware/software did not. WHY???

Let’s face it folks — gone are the days where we watch television shows solely on a T.V. and access the Internet solely on our computers.  Just take a look at the AppleTV, the new TiVo Premiere, Boxee, Hulu and others, and you’ll see the point.  Television programming and the Internet have long since merged.  So why haven’t our devices followed suit?

The old concept of television as we’ve known it since its inception in the early 20th Century is virtually dead.  Ever since TiVo introduced the popular DVR, we’ve no longer had to race home to see our favorite program at 8pm.  We’ve had the option to either record the program digitally to a hard drive, or simply catch it online via a myriad of sources at our leisure.  We’ve watched television in our own way — at the airport, in a cab, on a train, on lying in bed.  And it hasn’t always been on the traditional T.V. screen.  Sometimes it’s been at home gathered in front of the big screen with the family, or on the go via our laptop, iPhone, iPad, or some other mobile device.  Oh… and we’ve learned how to skip over the commercials too and get right to content.

So what’s the future of television and the Internet?  It’s the merger of the two. Imagine a world where we could wake up one morning and catch a few minutes of MODERN FAMILY on our flatscreen T.V. while getting ready for work.  Then we seamlessly picked up viewing of the program on our iPhone while in transit to work.  Then we were able to finish the program on our laptop once at the office. And imagine being able to do this for ANY television show, movie, concert, special, or even website we wanted without an ounce of effort — via one of those beautiful flatscreen TV’s manufacturers have been pushing at us, or via our iPhone, iPad or laptop?

Well, it appears change is on the way.  TiVo Premiere seems to have the right idea by giving its users the option to select watching an episode of GLEE on Fox Television or on  GoogleTV is preparing a new device that will do the same.  And Apple is reportedly about to take its existing AppleTV from just a minor hobby to a full out device running the iPhone OS, complete with the ability to watch virtually anything, anywhere (Apple may introduce this new device next week at its WWDC conference alongside a new iPhone).

So…are you ready for television to be re-invented to match today’s busy and on-the-go lifestyle?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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