Titan Sub: Missing, Low On Air, May Be Doomed
The world is praying for a miracle and hoping against hope on behalf of the missing Titan sub and its dwindling options for a happy ending.
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On Sunday, the Titan sub, a submersible vehicle operated by OceanGate Expeditions, launched off the coast of Newfoundland in Canada. The plan was for the tiny vessel (along with its pilot and 4 tourists) to make a 12,500-foot dive into the depths of the North Atlantic Ocean for a $250,000 per-person opportunity of a lifetime to view the wreckage of the historic Titanic ship sitting on the floor of the sea.
Sadly, the expedition didn’t go as planned.

The dive just to reach the ocean floor was expected to take about 3 hours and the entire expedition was slated to last 8 hours. For the first hour and a half of the descent, the Titan sub communicated with the Polar Prince (mothership) on the surface every 15 minutes. However, soon thereafter, all communication with the submersible was lost. It just stopped.
Here’s why experts are concerned:
- The Titan sub is officially missing somewhere within a 900-mile radius off the US coast.
- The submersible vessel is lost in the dark depths of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere between the surface and the ocean floor, which is 12,500 feet below sea level.
- The 5 passengers inside the missing sub were sealed into the air-tight craft with at least 17 deadbolts, which means that the only way to get them out is to find the vessel and manually open it.
- The sub only has 1 button to operate it. Additionally, its steering capabilities are handled by an Xbox game controller.
“There’s no backup, there’s no escape pod,” CBS News correspondent David Pogue said this week. “It’s [either] get to the surface or die.”

Experts have concluded that some critical emergency occurred to cause the loss in communications. The Titan could have lost all power. It could have gotten stuck in a large fishing net or in the debris of the Titanic. It could have leaked and killed everyone instantly. Or, it could be floating around in the dark with its passengers in desperate need of rescue.
As if all that wasn’t already enough, there are more concerns.
Since the Titan sub was only supposed to be underwater for an expected 8-hour journey, its onboard oxygen is limited. In fact, The Associated Press is reporting that the vessel only has enough oxygen left onboard to last until midday Thursday before all of the passengers die from suffocation (if they’re not already dead).
So, what’s the plan?
First, the Titan sub has to be located. However, finding a tiny 21-foot vessel (approx. the size of a passenger van) floating somewhere within a 900-mile-wide and 12,500-foot-deep sea is beyond daunting.
IF the vessel is indeed found, rescuers will then be tasked with figuring out how to reach the Titan and bring it to the surface. This too would be a near-impossible mission since Navy Seal divers can only go to a depth of about 2000 feet before their bodies are crushed. The Titan could be 10,000 feet deeper than any human could ever dive.
Without the possibility of human assistance, the US Coast Guard would be forced to deploy an unmanned remotely operated vehicle (ROV). However, even this sort of remote rescue comes with its own set of difficulties.
“While the submersible might still be intact, if it is deeper than more than 200m (656ft) there are very few vessels that can get that deep, and certainly not divers,” said Prof Alistair Greig, a submarine expert from University College London. “The vehicles designed for navy submarine rescue certainly can’t get down to anywhere near the depth of the Titanic.”

Wait, there’s more.
No one knows if there is adequate food and water inside the vessel to last these many days between 5 people. They could have already run out of sustenance.
No one knows if anyone onboard is in need of medical attention or medication.
The onboard toilet system includes hospital-style urine jugs and the equivalent of Ziplock bags.
IF there is a rescue, it has to be totally completed (and the door hatch unbolted) before the vessel runs out of oxygen, which is expected to occur sometime Thursday.
Let’s state the obvious: no human should have ever allowed themselves to be dead-bolted inside a tiny metal tube and then dropped nearly 13,000 feet to the ocean floor simply for a thrill.
Now, let’s state what major news organizations are reluctant to state: this is going to take a bonafide miracle to end well. Or, in other words, let’s all just pray for divine intervention!
OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Missing Titan sub is running low on options.
Thanks for covering this DJ. It’s a very disturbing story for a number of reasons. Your bullet points, in particular, lays it out quite plainly!
But first let me just say – I do hope that rescuers are able to find the mini-sub and save the passengers.
Okay so in addition to ALL of the bullet points in DJ’s, his pos also includes the fact that “There’s no backup, there’s no escape pod.”
Now just let ALL of that sink in.
And apparently a lot of supposedly “smart” people thought this entire venture was a great idea!?! 😳
Sonar picked up banging sounds on Tuesday from underneath the water in the North Atlantic Ocean while searching for a submersible with five people onboard that went missing two days earlier on a dive to the Titanic wreckage, according to an internal US government memo on the search.
Crews detected banging sounds every 30 minutes – and four hours later, after additional sonar devices were deployed, banging was still heard, according to the memo. It was unclear when on Tuesday the banging was heard or for how long, based on the memo obtained by CNN.
“Additional acoustic feedback was heard and will assist in vectoring surface assets and also indicating continued hope of survivors,” a later update reads.
A Canadian P3 aircraft also located a white rectangular object in the water, according to that update, but another ship set to investigate was diverted to help research the acoustic feedback instead, according to that update.
Rolling Stone was first to report the news Tuesday night.
The US Coast Guard said underwater noises were detected by a Canadian P-3 aircraft, prompting the relocation of resources to explore their origin. But “searches have yielded negative results,” the agency tweeted.
“Additionally, the data from the P-3 aircraft has been shared with our U.S. Navy experts for further analysis which will be considered in future search plans,” the US Coast Guard added.
OceanGate told CNN they have no information to share on this when reached for comment. CNN has also reached out to Canadian authorities for comment.
The report comes amid a multinational race against time to find the submersible and its five passengers before their oxygen runs out.
As the massive search stretched into its third day, more ships and aircraft have joined the mission.
A spokesperson for the US Navy said the military branch is sending subject matter experts and a “Flyaway Deep Ocean Salvage System” to help in the rescue mission for the commercial submersible, which disappeared Sunday morning and as of Tuesday night, had just over 30 hours of oxygen left.
The system has the capacity to lift and recover large, bulky and heavy undersea objects, like the small submersible.
The equipment and personnel were expected to arrive at St. John’s, Newfoundland, by Tuesday night, the spokesperson said.
I do not want to judge anybody. But going two miles under water in a tube somebody made and is driving with a X box control is not a bright idea. I hope they get found alive. Then this company and anybody doing crazy stuff like this needs to get shut down.
Why are people always doing these crazy stunts like this. I see on tv all the time usually white people doing things they have no business doing.