
Token Ring Unlocks Your Entire World

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High-tech watches and mobile phones by Apple and Android are all the rage for those times when you’d rather not use your credit card at the grocery store or to pay for a taxi. However, those devices could soon become yesterday’s news with the release of Token Ring.

Yes, Token Ring from Tokenize looks like a standard piece of jewelry — oh, but it is so much more. The ring will allow credit card holders to make simple and safe contactless transactions at millions of merchants in the US and in 96 countries around the world. Homeowners will also be able to open their front door or unlock their car with the ring as well.  Need entry to work or your gym?  Want a quick way to access public transportation?  Token has that covered for you, too.

Wait, there’s more.

Token Ring

Do you frequently forget your computer passwords? Token Ring will remember them all for you. Simply knock on your computer keyboard and the ring will auto-fill the correct password for you.  Concerned about security or worried what might happen if you ever lose the ring?  A built-in sensor inside the device scans your fingerprint every time you put the ring on.  If you take it off, lose it, or if someone else puts it on and attempts to use it, the ring won’t work.

Sounds too good to be true?  Thankfully, it IS true.  Token is $249, comes in 3 different designs, and is currently scheduled for release in the 2nd quarter of 2018.  To join the waitlist, CLICK HERE and for more info, check out the video below.



OK WASSUP! discusses technology:
Token Ring will unlock your world.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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