It seems not everyone is taken with the story of the tragic shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by self-appointed neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in Florida.
A recent study has revealed that Republicans and whites are tired of hearing about Trayvon and would like the whole thing to go away. Surprise!
According to a study by Pew, which surveyed a “nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults” last Thursday through Sunday, far more Republicans (56%) than Democrats (25%) say there has been too much coverage of Martin’s death.
In addition, 43% of whites said the story has received too much coverage, compared with just 16% of blacks, Pew said.
It’s no surprise the story of Trayvon Martin is sharply divided along racial and political lines. The shooting of the young black teen because he was wearing a hoodie and therefore looked “suspicious,” plays perfectly into a long standing belief among conservatives, whites and Republicans. For them, the multiple rallies and marches in major cities across the country, combined with protesters posing in hoodies and carrying Skittles has just been too much to bear — and they want it to stop!
This does not surprise me, but too bad!
Co-sign with BD. None of this is suprising but it is truly too bad…because PERHAPS for the first time in a long time *WE* as a nation) had an opportunity to have an Open and Honest conversation about IMPROVING "race-relations" in America.Sadly, once again, *WE* blew it thanks to a grossly incompetent MEDIA that operates purely from perch of sensationalism AND OVERKILL. And thanks to race-baiting charlatans and racist right-wingers h*ll bent on carrying out their own self-serving agendas.When are *WE* going to grow up?!