Comments on: TOP 10 ‘DON’T BUYS’ IN 2010 News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:59:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Thu, 11 Feb 2010 13:19:56 +0000 Now don't get me wrong….Yes, SOME "new" gadgets i can live without_at least for now. SOME items I have even if i don't like them. Other items I really enjoy! But generally speaking, I've got NO problem with "new" technology.

By: Anonymous Wed, 10 Feb 2010 15:31:39 +0000 I agree with everything besides the digital camera. Mine still gets a lot of good use.

By: BD Wed, 10 Feb 2010 14:22:16 +0000 Sorry Truth but I gotta agree with DJ. Haven't used a CD or DVD in years. Out with the old in with the new I always say.

By: DJ Wed, 10 Feb 2010 13:46:23 +0000 LOL I appreciate the difference in opinion Truthiz. But this article was written to spotlight those tech items soon to be on their way out."Standard" Home Phone service is on its last legs (meaning the old Bell Companies) due to cell phone usage and the new VOIP (internet) style home phones. No need to pay Bell $40. bucks for an international call when you can make it for free via the internet. I too still have a "home" telephone, but I no longer have the old (Bell) Home Telephone provider or the huge monthly phone bills.LOL and no need to give up your CD's. Keep the one's you've got, but you might want to rethink buying new ones. Soon, CD's will be like 8-Track tapes — they hold a lot of the music we love, but there's no longer anything to play them on. Once your current CD Player breaks or wears down, it'll be like a VCR and hard to service. You should strongly consider upgrading all your music to digital files NOW so they're never lost and the CD's are never damaged. And you'll always have them for an eternity to play and transfer wherever you'd like. Just a suggestion. LOL but thanks for the early morning laugh on a snow day!- DJ

By: Truthiz Wed, 10 Feb 2010 13:19:15 +0000 Hey now hold up DJ…LOL! I'm gonna beg to differ with you on a few items you've listed. Yes. Yes. I know that for a large segment of today's society cell-phones, BlackBerry, the iPhone, iPODs, etc are "all that", particularly IF you happen to be in the age-range of 35 and under.However, there still remains a large segment of today's society, particularly in my age range_35+_that feels as I do.For starters: I can NOT stand cell phones! I have one that I use for emergency purposes ONLY.Next: I thoroughly appreciate my "home-phone" AND what you call "old home-phone service" (THAT's cold DJ_lol) and I have NO intentions of giving uo either_EVER.And you suggested I give up my personal Cds. SAY WHAT?! Give up Cds containing 100% of the music that I LOVE and took the time to organize and record?! And get rid of my car CD player?! NOT gonna happen_at least no time soon anyway_lol.
