George Will Issues Warning: ‘Don’t Vote GOP!’
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: Hell has indeed frozen over. Lifelong Republican and conservative columnist George Will has not only left the GOP, but now says he wants everyone else to join him and NOT vote for Republican candidates ever again!
In a Friday OpEd piece in the Washington Post, George Will called Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy at the border “the most telegenic example of misrule” that provided “fresh if redundant evidence for the principle by which” independents and moderate Republicans should vote.
“The congressional Republican caucuses must be substantially reduced. So substantially that their remnants, reduced to minorities, will be stripped of the Constitution’s Article I powers that they have been too invertebrate to use against the current wielder of Article II powers,” Will wrote. “They will then have leisure time to wonder why they worked so hard to achieve membership in a legislature whose unexercised muscles have atrophied because of people like them.”
The George Will diatribe continued by targeting Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and other GOP lawmakers for serving as what he called the “president’s poodles.”
“Not because James Madison’s system has failed but because today’s abject careerists have failed to be worthy of it,” Will appended. “Congressional Republicans (congressional Democrats are equally supine toward Democratic presidents) have no higher ambition than to placate this president.”
Will then attacked congressional failure to uphold the Constitution’s separation of powers.
“The Republican-controlled Congress, which waited for Trump to undo by unilateral decree the border folly they could have prevented by actually legislating, is an advertisement for the unimportance of Republican control.”
His call to vote Republicans out of power followed an appearance last week on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” where he accused members of the GOP of “being subservient” to Trump.
Interestingly, George Will is not the only lifelong conservative bailing on the once grand ol’ Republican Party for being hijacked and becoming the TRUMP Party.
Richard Painter, a Republican and former White House lawyer in the George W Bush administration, has announced he will run as a Democrat for the Minnesota Senate seat vacated by Al Franken.

“I’m running against Donald Trump and every one of his collaborators in the Republican party,” Painter said. “I’m going to put my country first. This isn’t about party.”
During an appearance this week on Comedy Central’s “The Opposition,” Painter revealed a campaign ad of him standing in front of a literal dumpster fire, then assuring Minnesota voters he’s just the guy to dump water on the stinking metaphorical conflagration that is the current Republican Party.
“[I am] leaving them in the rearview mirror with my middle finger up in the air,” he added.
Painter said he decided against an independent bid out of concern that he didn’t want to poach votes from the Democrats and hand the election to a Republican.
“I can’t be a spoiler, not this year,” he said. “Our democracy is at stake.”
First: Thanks for the heads-up DJ concerning your plan to discuss Justice Kennedy’s retirement announcement next Mon. July 2nd. I refrain from really sharing my thoughts on the matter until then. Okay so onto the topic at hand.
“Not because James Madison’s system has failed but because today’s abject careerists have failed to be worthy of it,” Will appended. “Congressional Republicans (congressional Democrats are equally supine toward Democratic presidents) have no higher ambition than to placate this president.” – George Will
When I first heard about this last week via Joe & Mika’s morning show on MSNBC I immediately thought to myself – Wow, they (Repub “never-Trumpers” like G. Will, D, Frum, B. Kristol and others of that totally despicable ilk) really have NO shame. Those jokers gleefully supported G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney’s ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq (a sovereign nation) and its people. WE, the U.S. – BOMB that nation to smithereens with megaton “smart bombs.” WE slaughtered 100s of thousands, if not at least a MILLION INNOCENT men, women and children, critically injuring and traumatizing Lord knows how many more innocent Iraqi civilians – ALL based on a KNOWN. LIE.
There wasn’t the slightest bit of forethought spent considering the Uninterested consequences of such a “Crimes against humanity” act orchestrate by the Bush/Cheney administration. H*ll even the New York Times was “all in.”
But now…..well now folks shouldn’t vote for Repubs because G. Will says so!?! Will and company are “hair-on-fire” deeply worried about the current state of U.S. democracy and the national (and internally) crisis bearing down on Us courtesy of Trump and his followers who blindly support him and his actions!?!
Yeah. Okay.
Where were all these Repubs when Trump was stealing their party right out from their noses? Then this Richard Painter guy wants to run as a Democrat because he can’t win as a Repub. I am not impressed.
“Where were all these Repubs when Trump was stealing their party right out from their noses?”
BD, he didn’t steal their party from them. Those cowards GAVE it to him while they held their tongues and hid in their corners quietly praying that’ he would lose.
My apologies. In my initial response I meant to write “UNintended consequences.”