Dumb Donald Trump Angers Republican Leaders
Just when Republican leaders were licking their chops at the possibility of winning back the House and Senate in 2022, in walked Dumb Donald Trump with antics to rain on the GOP parade.
With poll numbers for President Biden and Vice-President Harris in the dumpster, Republicans were beginning to make headway in convincing swing voters to consider returning them to power. And then, Donald Trump happened. Dumb Donald placed himself center stage then did exactly what the GOP did NOT want him to do: remind America about the January 6, 2021, MAGA insurrection on Capitol Hill.

Yes, Trump has spent the past few weeks launching into some of his same old greatest hits, including “I Was The Real Winner Of The 2020 Election,” “The Election Was Rigged,” and his favorite “Mike Pence Should Have Overruled The Voters And Named Me President.”
Although such red-meat rhetoric is a winning recipe for Trump’s MAGA sycophants, it’s useless fodder for those Americans who just want stability and competence in The White House.
“It doesn’t make sense to me in the current political climate. While almost every Republican on the ballot wants to be talking about the present and the future, inflation, the economy, schools, and parents, he seems focused on talking about the past,” GOP strategist David Kochel said of Trump. “It just really gets in the way of what’s working right now for Republicans.”
“I always think that President Trump should be talking about the unprecedented accomplishments from a policy perspective that he and his administration had over the four years he was in office,” a former Trump administration official said. “I don’t believe that it’s helpful to spend time relitigating the 2020 election.”

Still, despite pushback from prominent members of the Republican Party, Trump has doubled down on the very issues the GOP had hoped Americans would forget.
Dumb Donald recently reminded everyone that Mike Pence is his Enemy #1 for certifying Joe Biden as president instead of Trump. He played up news reports that he intended to seize voting machines and submit fake electors to Congress. He even turned on flunkie Lindsey Graham and called him a “RINO” (Republican In Name Only) for daring to suggest Trump shouldn’t say he would pardon all participants of the January 6th riot if he were sent back to The White House.
Now, Trump has prompted once-confident Republicans to start biting their nails and shaking in their boots.
In the words of one prominent GOP strategist: “Trump is a problem for the midterms. He could be the difference between 40 and 20 seats gained in the House.”
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Dumb Donald Trump angers GOP leadership.
I love watching Repubs get mad about Trump. They got in bed with him when they had a chance to run him out but they did not do it. They made their bed so go lie in it.
Lol…get ’em BD!
Yes indeed…”Dumb Donald”…smh. Leader of the “Dumb Party.”
The Repubs darn sure deserve him!