Audio Recordings Reveal The REAL Trump

Politics –
Audio Recordings Reveal
The REAL Trump
Donald Trump is frequently seen as powerful and successful. Some also see him as a bully who knows how to intimidate and get things done. However, a new audio recording of “The Donald” shows a side of him he may have preferred to keep hidden: an insecure man who’s afraid of losing!
The interviews were conducted in 2014 by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Michael D’Antonio, who later authored the Trump biography “The Truth About Trump.” Recently, Mr. D’Antonio handed over the audio and interview transcripts to The New York Times, and now, The Times is making the tapes public as part of its two-part election podcast, “The Run-Up.”
The recordings are extremely telling in revealing a man who is fixated on his own celebrity. The tapes also give insight into Trump’s fear of losing his own status and his obsession with at least the appearance of always being a winner. The audio also captures the deep pleasure Trump derives from fighting, his willful lack of interest in history, as well as his belief that most people are unworthy of his respect.
In one section of the audio, Trump describes just how difficult it is for him to imagine — let alone accept — defeat.
“I never had a failure,” Trump said, fully ignoring his repeated corporate bankruptcies and business setbacks, “because I always turned a failure into a success.”
Trump also discussed his penchant for fighting:
DONALD TRUMP: I was a very rebellious kind of person. I don’t like to talk about it, actually. But I was a very rebellious person and very set in my ways.
INTERVIEWER: In eighth grade?
DONALD TRUMP: I loved to fight. I always loved to fight.
INTERVIEWER: Physical fights?
DONALD TRUMP: Yeah, all kinds of fights, physical …
DONALD TRUMP: All types of fights. Any kind of fight, I loved it, including physical. …
When “The Donald” was asked who does he most look up to, he replied: “I don’t have heroes.” When asked who earns his respect, he said: “You can’t respect people because most people aren’t worthy of respect.”
Perhaps the most revealing portion of the audio was how Donald Trump reacts when he feels he is being bested or made a fool of by someone.

On the tapes, Donald’s former wife, Ivana Trump, told the story of a Colorado ski vacation she took with her future husband soon after they began dating. According to Ivana, she did not tell Donald that she was an accomplished skier prior to him skiing ahead of her and waiting for her at the bottom — a move that did not go over well with the egotistical Trump.
IVANA TRUMP: So he goes and stops, and he says, “Come on, baby. Come on, baby.” I went up. I went two flips up in the air, two flips in front of him. I disappeared. Donald was so angry, he took off his skis, his ski boots, and walked up to the restaurant. … He could not take it. He could not take it. He had been bested in public.
Ivana Trump said Donald’s ego was so bruised, he stormed off the slope, leaving behind a trail of equipment.
“I’m not going to do this,” Trump said, “for anybody, including Ivana.”
On his first date with his future wife, Donald Trump took his marbles and stormed off in a huff. And this is the man some believe should be President of the United States?
Thanks DJ. I had heard a little bit about it but you've provided more info on the subject.
Guess I'd better check out "The Run-Up."
The fact that the the interview reveals Trump as a "an insecure man who’s afraid of losing" doesn't surprise me at all.
But DJ's post contains some real nuggets for me.
For example- Trump's insistence that all his life he's been a "fighter." He even included that he loved "physical" fighting.
I suspect that THAT is a LIE. Did he love to argue? ..and Pout? Yes. …and Yes.
But until someone from his childhood…and NOT related to him…comes forward to say that Donald was really into physical fighting I will continue to say that Donald is LYING through his teeth about that.
I am reminded that when Mr. FAKE alpha-dog had a golden opportunity to show his *machismo* during the Vietnam War, he opted for FIVE deferments instead. Rather than fight like a man for his country he RAN for the hills like a scared little child.
And like most COWARDS who may grow up to become a narcissistic, little fascist demagogue living out some tough-guy fantasy, Trump was successful at keeping the myth alive by surrounding himself with *Yes" people all of his adult life – including his wives (SEE Ivana's willingness to marry the guy even after he'd given her a glimpse into who he really is.)
The truth is, if Trump didn't pose such a threat to this nation I could almost pity him. He's such an empty, dark shell.
But he is a threat. And I can't rest until I know he's been defeated.
NYTimes Reader:
This actually makes me sad for Donald J. Trump -a lost soul wandering and seeking adoration of the masses. This insatiable lust for attention must leave him with a tremendous void, in those times when he is not in the limelight. Then again, my 5 and 2 year olds also have that singular need for attention (good or bad), but I am hoping they outgrow it by the time they hit the big 70. […]
NYTimes Reader:
SAD! Such an empty and vacuous life. He clearly feels that he ceases to exist if other people don't acknowledge him as special at every minute. Classic narcissistic inner emptiness that makes for an endless hunger for affirmation. Everything that he has accomplished and everything that he has built can not save him from his own loneliness. […]
NYTimes Reader:
This is not only about the Donald, but a disturbing portrait of the American psyche. We tread this same path 8 years ago with Sarah Palin. Trump is just the most recent thin-skinned "celebrity" politician with literally a bully pulpit. What attracts so many people to these self-serving demagogues? If nothing else, this election cycle has revealed the seamy side of the American populace – and it is far larger, and scarier, than I had imagined. [….]
This doesn't surprise me at all. Trump seems like the type thats secretly insecure on the inside. He needs so much attention it isn't even funny. And he hates when anybody gets the best of him. Last week in the debate when Hillary called him a puppet for Putin he got so mad his face scrunched up in a ball. He has to be the center of attention and always right or else he gets mad. That's not the qualities you want in a president.
I pray all day every day that he does not win