Democrats have begun to label the GOP as ‘Weird Republicans’ and it’s starting to drive Donald Trump and his MAGGOTS berserk!
Politics :
Last week, Donald Trump appeared in Chicago before the National Association of Black Journalists. His campaign intended for him to win over the attendees by contrasting his record against the record of Vice President Kamala Harris. Instead, the undisciplined Donald Drumpf chose to attack her race.

“I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black. So, I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?” Trump barked to the crowd of 1000+ Black people.
That’s just weird!

JD Vance is on record for calling Democratic female voters who’ve not yet started a family “childless cat ladies.” The man once known as James Donald Bowman, then James David Hamel, then James David Vance, then JD Vance previously assumed he was gay, but now denounces same-sex relationships. Oh, and he also believes victims of rape or incest should be forced to give birth no matter what.
That’s just weird!
Last Monday, Lara Trump — the Trump daughter-in-law who was gifted the co-chair position of the Republican National Committee — called the vice president a “trash bag” disguised as a $2000 women’s high-priced designer handbag.
GOP Rep. Mike Garcia of California insinuated that Ms. Harris is an “inner-city nobody,” saying “She’s not very intelligent, she’s not very well-spoken.”

Multiple Republican politicians have referred to Vice President Harris as nothing more than a “DEI Hire” (the acronym stands for Diversity, Ethnicity, Inclusion), which is a “dog whistle” for saying she’s unqualified and is considered a modern-day use of the “N” word.
That’s just weird!
For the past 2 weeks of her official candidacy, Kamala Harris has endured a plethora of indirect and blatant racist remarks. However, instead of sulking and feeling offended, Ms. Harris and the Democrats have turned the racism against the GOP by labeling them the party of Weird Republicans.
The new moniker was birthed by Democratic Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, who actually began calling Trump and his minions “weird” months ago.
“These are weird people on the other side,” Walz said. “They want to take books away; they want to be in your exam room. That’s what it comes down to. Don’t go sugarcoating this –- these are weird ideas.”

Seizing on the catchy phrase, Vice President Harris put out a statement titled “A 78-year-old Criminal’s Fox News Appearance.” The statement intimated that “Trump is old and quite weird.”
Democrats are also launching full-throated attacks against PROJECT 2025 and shared how weird it was that Republicans actually printed out a 900-page document as proof of their intent to effectively end democracy.
Yes, the phrase ‘Weird Republicans’ is beginning to stick. So, move over, Donald Drumpf. You’re not the only one who can come up with clever nicknames that define your opponent.
“I don’t know who came up with the message, but I salute them,” David Karpf, a strategic communication professor at George Washington University, told the Associated Press. Not only is it a concise summation of the general off-putting Republican vibe, but “it frustrates opponents, leading them to further amplify it through off-balance responses”.
Or, in other words, being called a bunch of weirdos is driving Trump and his Republican MAGGOTS stark raving mad.
More specifically, as Trump and his flunkies see their positions listed one by one in a collective basket and then see themselves defined as out of touch with young voters and most of America, it really does paint them as a gang of Weird Republicans.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Harris Democrats begin calling the GOP ‘Weird Republicans.’
Labeling them “weird” is certainly one way to describe that ignorant, “poor white trash w/a little money” bunch.
What I’m enjoying is the fact that They know, and We know, the reason they’re calling her all those names is because He is, and They are, scared to death of her! Lol
Trump and his “MAGGOTS” know she’s NOT the least bit intimidated by him or them.
He knows and they know she can beat him!
They were right when they called them weird because that is exactly what they ate. The whole bunch of them.