Saturday Night Massacre Looms For Trump
- Firing Mueller could be the end of 'The Donald'
The historical Saturday Night Massacre is responsible for bringing down the Richard M. Nixon presidency. Now, Donald Trump may be on the precipice of his own ‘Saturday Night Massacre’ and on the verge of causing his own presidency to come crumbling down.
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During the Nixon years, Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox was investigating Mr. Nixon for his involvement in the Watergate break-in. Once Cox started getting too close and learning too much, Nixon ordered him fired and out of the way so as to prevent him from finding out the truth. Nixon petitioned several members of his Justice Department to fire Cox but they each refused and resigned, citing a responsibility to follow the law. Recognizing Nixon’s intent to obstruct justice by firing the man who held damning evidence against him, Republican congressional members told Mr. Nixon that plans to fire Cox had crossed the red line. He was told to resign or else he would be impeached.
Such was Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre.
Now, recent events involving Donald Trump are eerily similar to Nixon’s and the original Saturday Night Massacre of 1973. Let’s examine the similarities.
Special Prosecutor/Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Trump for possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Mueller is also investigating Trump for attempting to obstruct justice by firing former FBI Director James Comey and for his attorney’s $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels (a few days before the election) in exchange for her silence regarding her affair with Trump. Now that Mueller has started getting too close and learning too much, Trump wants him fired and out of the way so as to prevent him from finding out the truth. See the connection?
Earlier this week, Mueller’s team was granted a warrant to search the home and office of Trump attorney Michael Cohen. According to Cohen, the FBI agents “were extremely professional, courteous and respectful,” during their search.

“I am unhappy to have my personal residence and office raided. But I will tell you that members of the FBI that conducted the search and seizure were all extremely professional, courteous and respectful. And I thanked them at the conclusion,” Cohen told CNN.
However, Donald Trump escalated the Cohen search by claiming the FBI “broke in” to his office (they didn’t) and by calling the entire Mueller investigation a “witch hunt” and an “attack on what we all stand for.” Trump also added that he now believes “the attorney-client privilege is dead.”
Despite what Donald Trump claims, the Cohen “raid” was not some personal vendetta launched by Mueller. In fact, the steps to obtain this sort of search warrant are extremely involved. Mueller obviously now holds something big regarding Donald Trump — something he was required to take to the US Justice Department for evaluation. However, the Justice Department had to jump through hoops and petition a judge to grant the warrant. In the end, such a search warrant is only granted under EXTREME circumstances. Now, here’s why this is interesting:
1.) The fact the warrant was granted at all is proof positive that Mueller has uncovered a crucial piece of information and that the circumstances did rise to the level of EXTREME.
2.) This is not some Democratic-led political witch hunt as Trump claims, since Mueller is a Republican and the judge who granted the warrant is a Trump appointee.
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The fact that Mueller now holds what is very likely damning evidence against Michael Cohen and potentially Donald Trump has made “The Donald” livid and has him shaking in his boots.
“The investigation is a pure and simple witch hunt that should have been wrapped up long ago,” Trump said on Tuesday.
“The attorney general made a terrible mistake when he did this and when [he] recused himself or he certainly should have let us know if he was going to recuse himself and we would have put a different attorney general in,” Trump continued. “So he made what I consider to be a very terrible mistake for the country.”

Trump then openly discussed his potential plans to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and a few related others. By getting rid of the top officials in the Justice Department as well as the Special Prosecutor/Counsel, Trump believes he could then successfully squash the investigation into him.
The only problem is, that is EXACTLY what President Richard Nixon did and EXACTLY what launched the Saturday Night Massacre and the end of his presidency.
Is Donald Trump about to repeat history?
I got to work early today and I’m glad I did to come to the site and see all this mess going on. The way Trump is starting to look just like Nixon is uncanny. And for anybody who is too stupid to realize it they should know now that Trump is hiding something. Everything seems to be leading back to this lawyer they raided the other day and found all this information Trump didn’t want found. Now he is raising holy hell over it because he is scared. If he fires Muller and everybody in the Justice dept. then it’s all over for him. He will be Nixon all over again. It is almost weird to see history repeating itself like this but I think we are already on the path of no return and there is no stopping it now. I am going to just sit back and watch everything unfold.
The way Trump is starting to look just like Nixon is uncanny. And for anybody who is too stupid to realize it they should know now that Trump is hiding something. […] -BD
You got THAT right BD.
After watching Rachel Madoow last night, I went to bed with this thought – this guy is SO corrupt and SO dumb and SO bad at hiding his GUILT that you just can’t make this stuff up!
Word to Repubs on Capitol Hill who are desperately hoping that Trump AIN’T stupid enough to fire Mueller: He is indeed THAT stupid! So brace yourselves for the fallout because it sure looks like Our country is heading for a Constitutional Crisis. And YOUR president will have caused it!
“The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” – Henry Louis (H.L.) Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun – July 26, 1920.
On a related note…..apparently Paul Ryan has had ENOUGH of the madness and is checking the EXITS!
BREAKING: Paul Ryan won’t seek re-election: ‘I like to think I’ve done my part’
Washington -House Speaker Paul Ryan is not seeking re-election and will retire from Congress after this year, the Wisconsin Republican announced Wednesday.
“You realize something when you take this job,” Ryan told reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday morning. “It’s a big job with a lot riding on you … but you also know this is not a job that does not last forever. … You realize you hold the office for just a small part of our history. So you better make the most of it.”
He reminded reporters that he took the job “reluctantly” in 2015, when he took over from John Boehner, but Ryan also said he has no “regrets.”
“I like to think I’ve done my part, my little part in history to set us on a better course,” Ryan said.
Ryan’s departure is a blow to GOP members who saw the Wisconsin Republican as a stable and policy-oriented leader in a party shaken by the tumultuous Donald Trump presidency. He has been a fundraising juggernaut ahead of the midterms this fall, and helped translate GOP agenda items into legislation such as a series of tax cuts and rolling back banking legislation put in place under Democrats. [….] – CNN
…….and WHY does THIS not surprise me?…smh.
Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Got His Degree From The ‘Worst Law School In The Country’
It’s not necessary to attend Harvard Law School in order to get a quality legal education and be a good lawyer, but degrees from certain bottom-tier law schools should raise flags of concern regarding the abilities of the attorneys with diplomas from those institutions hanging on their walls. Such is the case with Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s attorney and spokesman, whose herculean efforts to make a mockery of Trump’s promise that he would hire “the best people” are truly something to behold.
Cohen earned his law degree in 1991 from Thomas M. Cooley Law School, which later became affiliated with Western Michigan University. To say that Cooley is bottom-tier doesn’t begin to describe the problems; Cooley is the sub-basement of the bottom-tier, and then digging furiously through the floor deep into the substrata below.
Cooley has been accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) since the mid-1970s, but that accreditation is on increasingly shaky ground. According to ABA Standard 501, “a school shall not admit an applicant who does not appear capable of satisfactorily completing its program of legal education and being admitted to the bar.”
The foundation of Cooley’s problems are its unbelievably lax admission standards, accepting almost 86% of applicants in 2016. The entering class that fall had a median GPA of 2.90 and median LSAT score of 141 (bottom 15th percentile of test takers). […] – Redstate
By Donald Trump’s standard “nothing but the best and brightest” actually means “borderline intellectual functioning.” And I’m guessing, many, if not most, Americans had already figured this out.