Current Events

Town Erects Racist Billboard

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April 9, 2014

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Current Events –
Town Erects Racist Billboard
Racism used to parade around in white sheets and hoods.  Now, it just finds its way onto town billboards.

Current Events
The town of Harrison, Arkansas is under fire from civil rights groups after posting a billboard on the outskirts of town that read: “Welcome to Harrison… Beautiful Town, Beautiful People, No Wrong Exits, No Bad Neighborhoods.”  The sign also depicted a smiling white family next to a beautiful suburban home.

Although some struggled to find any hint of racism in the welcome sign, others immediately noticed the clever and covert message the town was presenting.

The traditional white family reassuring visitors that they’d find no “wrong” exits or “bad” neighborhoods in Harrison was code word for “white perfection.”  Or in other words, ANY exit in town would be a good one, since it would lead into a wonderfully white neighborhood.

Think we’re pulling at straws?  Read on…

Current Events
Above the controversial billboard was another sign that read:  “Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White.” Or in other words, anyone against racism is also against whites.  Oh, and the billboards also directed visitors to a website that describes the town as nearly 98% white and as the proud home of Ku Klux Klan director Thom Rob.  Hmmm…

The Harrison Community Task Force on Race Relations has taken issue with those who believe the billboards are promoting racism.  One task force member said she feels as if certain groups are trying to portray Harrison as an anti-diversity city. “They’re trying to stake their claim and build a community for themselves that they feel like they carry some weight in, and I think the community has had enough of that and saying they don’t speak for them,” explained Layne Ragsdale, a member of the Community Task Force on Race Relations.

Interestingly, some Harrison residents recognize the racist message and want no part of it.  “I don’t want to be associated with it,” said Bob Dodson, a local realtor. “There are a few people who are trying to speak for the entire community and we have a loving community.”

OK WASSUP! connects with the current events of the day.  
Today’s article: Harrison, Arkansas erects racist billboard.
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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DJ. Your first sentence sums it up in a nutshell:

"Racism used to parade around in white sheets and hoods. Now, it just finds its way onto town billboards. "

In 400 yrs, it appears they (White racists) have learned absolutely nothing. They are just as proud of their hateful ways and *stupifying* ignorance as their racist forefathers….smh.

But I have to say- I prefer the racists who show their true *Color* (if you will) rather than hiding behind white hoods and sheets because TODAY it forces those who associate with them to state publicly where they stand:

"Interestingly, some Harrison residents recognize the racist message and want no part of it."

Indicating that though *We* as nation still have a long way to go in improving race-relations in America…..

…We continue to move forward and that's a mighty good thing.

Mr. BD

This is ignorant but I'm not surprised. Cosign with Truth and DJ, they used to wear white sheets now they try to disguise it. Well I ain't fooled!


I'm white and I agree this is ignorant.

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