Comments on: Town Hall Tackles National Gun Debate News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 12 Mar 2018 04:09:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Enricio Thu, 22 Feb 2018 22:42:22 +0000 I just heard the Florida congress has solved the gun problem. Today they voted to put “In God we trust” signs in all their schools. Yep another brilliant idea that should solve everything.

By: Enricio Thu, 22 Feb 2018 21:31:44 +0000 So instead of taking away the guns, Donald Trump wants to strap teachers with guns on their hips inside the classroom. Yeah, good idea Donald. What could go wrong when a teacher and a gunman engage in a shoot out with a bunch of fifth graders in the line of fire. #stupid #dumbdonald #nonra

By: Mr.BD Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:03:13 +0000 Dang it I’m late today but better late than never. I only got to see parts of the town hall last night but I saw some good parts. The main thing I’m noticing is these young people mean business. They are still young and might not have it all together yet on how to go about it but they ain’t playing, as my grandmother would say. Repubs should be real worried because this is the first generation in a long time that has even been interested in political issues. Not only are they interested but they know all the facts and they are willing to fight. If they are like this at this age trust me they are going to take that same attitude with them in adulthood and vote that way too. These are the future voters of America and they aren’t trying to hear no more excuses from Repubs and the NRA. They have been put on notice. They can play if they want to or they could pay attention.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 22 Feb 2018 19:01:00 +0000 “Backing Down to the Parkland Kids Won’t Save the GOP”

As Senator Marco Rubio learned last night at a CNN forum with Parkland students and others, the only way to survive such evenings — after being pilloried and subjected to catcalls for refusing to ban assault weapons or stop taking contributions from the NRA — is to pledge to rethink measures one previously opposed, such as banning various gun magazines or raising the age for legally purchasing a weapon. But if he thinks doing so will get him or his party out of the crosshairs of a movement engaged in demagoguery aimed at shaming opponents, he’s kidding himself.

That’s something other Republicans need to keep in mind as they prepare to dodge and weave in the face of activists who are interested not in debate about the efficacy of the measures they endorse but rather in issuing blanket demands that will effectively silence gun-rights supporters.

If what happened at Parkland is enough to cause the country to change its view of constitutionally protected rights, that’s a debate worth having. But until that happens, conservatives shouldn’t be fooled into believing a few clever tactical retreats, like those of Trump or Rubio, will satisfy their opponents or free them from being attacked by sympathetic gun-violence survivors. In such a political environment, backing down will be just as perilous as standing firm. […] – Jonathan S. Tobin, writer at National Review.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 22 Feb 2018 15:47:58 +0000 Oh!..and to the “Celebs” and others in the entertainment industry (movies, music, television, video-games) who are donating money “in support of the Florida students’ inspiring March For Gun Reform”:

How ’bout you folks start by cleaning up your OWN respective industries which peddle AND glorify endless Violence in all forms just to line your fat pockets with “Mo Money” Mo Money “Mo Money.”

Until you people do that, you’re nothing but cynical and shameless Hypocrites.
