Comments on: TRACY MORGAN’S UNFUNNY GAY RANT News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:16:42 +0000 <span><span>I wanted to share a few passages from a great piece, written by John McWhorter on this subject (and to a greater extent, the disturbing problem of Homophobia) within the Black-American community:      McWhorter: June 14, 2011   The sad thing about Tracy Morgan’s insight's into homosexuality last week during a stand-up act—among which was that homosexuality is wrong because “God don’t make no mistakes”—is that they are part of a sad pattern. Wise people like to point to the racism lying always “just underneath” our thin American skins. Well, an equally wise observation is that a certain especially acrid brand of homophobia lies “just underneath” in too many of America’s black men.              …….      A Pew Poll showed 65 percent of blacks thinking of homosexuality as wrong compared to 48 percent of whites. Black voters played a disproportionate role in getting the anti-gay-marriage Proposition 8 passed in California in 2008. </span></span><span><span>On a more intuitive level, when’s the last time we heard about Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, or Steve Carell calling people faggots in heated moments? </span></span><span><span>[…]      Full article: "Tracy Morgan: The Latest Example in a Troubling Homophobic Trend"   <span><span&gt <a href="http://;,0</span></span&gt; ” target=”_blank”>;,0</span></span&gt;      Oh No. Mustn't have any "homosexuals" in the Black community "it's against the Bible." And yet, approx 70% of BABIES born to Black-Americans are born Out. Of. Wedlock, AND (dare I say), to a rather large percentage of "church-going" youngins (babies having babies) and SINGLE women.</span></span>

By: frisco415 Wed, 15 Jun 2011 01:32:18 +0000 Thank you for the support with this story DJ. I use to like Tracy Morgan but he went too far. Gays, lesbians, bi's and transgender's are discriminated against all the time, even harmed. There is nothing funny about that.

By: Truthiz Tue, 14 Jun 2011 17:26:39 +0000 DJ:"<span>"it's time for Morgan and other public personalities to learn the lesson that their words carry power and they come with consequences.  Saying he would "stab that little N*gga to death" is no more funny than if a white comedian had taken to a stage to say if his daughter married a black man, he would "stab that N*gger to death."   And let the Church say AMEN!!!   When I first heard about this, my initial thoughts were (1) He was probably under the influence of alcohol at the time and (2)I hope he thought the rant was worth it because it just may cost him his career.   No. I'm not buying his apology because my understanding is that he's made anti-gay remarks before just not to the degree of this recent rant.     Frankly, few things are sadder to me than seeing/hearing a Black, hate-mongering racist or bigot.</span>
