Transgender Americans Don’t Exist, Says Trump

If you’re among the million+ transgender Americans, civil rights protections you’ve grown used to in recent years are all about to go POOF!
Current Events
Yes, according to Donald Trump, the term ‘transgender’ is non-existent. In fact, Trump is ready to instruct the US government to exclusively define gender by genitalia at birth only.
In his continuing rule over America as if he were King Trump, “The Donald” is taking advances enacted by former President Obama — including bathroom assignments, single-sex programs, and more — and rolling them back. Previously, transgender Americans were protected under Title IX, an existing civil rights law which bans gender discrimination in education programs receiving government financial assistance. However, Trump aspires to erase all that from the history books as if it never existed.
Donald Trump (who oddly referred to himself as a “nationalist” on Tuesday) wants the world to be defined as males and females. According to him, the definition will be biologically determined based on genitalia at birth and will not be fluid or selective by individuals. No one will be in between and no one will be allowed to wake up one morning and suddenly decide to redefine their sexual identity. To him, you’re either a boy or a girl, a man or a woman. Case closed!
At Trump’s insistence, the US Department of Health and Human Services is initiating an effort to establish a legally binding definition of sex. The reasoning is masked behind a need for government agencies to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of gender as determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.” However, we all know that the real reasons here are simple and good old-fashioned discrimination.
“Sex means a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth,” the health department proposed. “The sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.”
The agency added that Trump’s proposal is for all Americans to be defined as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that person was born with. No one will be able to redefine their gender by removing or adding genitalia and any dispute about one’s sex could only be disputed and/or clarified by genetic testing.
If Donald Trump is able to have his way, this new definition will essentially eradicate federal recognition of an estimated 1.4 million Americans who acknowledge themselves (either surgically or otherwise) as a gender other than the one they were born into.
“This takes a position that what the medical community understands about their patients — what people understand about themselves — is irrelevant because the government disagrees,” said Catherine E. Lhamon, who led the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights during the Obama administration.
However, the Department of Health and Human Services argues that the term “sex” was never meant to include gender identity or even homosexuality. To them, that lack of clarity erroneously allowed the Obama administration to extend civil rights protections to people who should not have them — so now, they intend to right a wrong.
Should Trump succeed in rolling back protections and accepted definitions for gender, transgender Americans would virtually become invisible and unrecognized as the gender they may have lived under for decades.
In response, transgender Americans have taken to social media and are posting photographs of themselves with the hashtag #WontBeErased.
Okay so this is a really tough one for me because I honestly don’t *get* the transgender psyche – feeling one is a man trapped in a woman’s body or visa versa.
I’ve done a lot of reading over the past 7 or 8 yrs on the topic of psychosocial wellness of Transgenders (in general) but frankly the more I’ve read the more my discomfort with it has increased. So in an attempt to be as fair-mined as I possibly can on this story I’ll start with this.
Based on a lot of credible research conducted mostly between 2005 – 2015 by multiple universities and health organizations, the results seem pretty clear. Anxiety, major depression, suicidal tendencies and suicidal rates among persons within the “transgender” population are significantly higher than the general population. And as one writer out it:
“It has nearly everything to do with the way they are treated.” – Katherine Schreiber, writer at Psychology Today, 2016
Truth I agree I don’t really understand it either. But just because I don’t understand it doesn’t make it wrong. Not saying you think it is but only saying how I feel about it. To be fair trans people have been around forever and it is nothing new. Trump can’t all of a sudden ignore these people now like they were never there, which is what I think is the unfair part.
To be fair trans people have been around forever and it is nothing new. Trump can’t all of a sudden ignore these people now like they were never there, which is what I think is the unfair part. […]
Yes. I wholeheartedly agree BD.
…and I expressed that same sentiment in my 3rd response.
Before I comment on Trump’s plans against this group I’d like to share this…….
“Why Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues”
Individuals who identify as transgender tend to experience higher rates of mental health issues than the general population. While approximately 6.7 percent of the general United States population suffers from depression and 18 percent grapple with some iteration of an anxiety disorder, nearly half of all individuals who identify as transgender experience these issues. What’s more, over 41 percent of trans men and women are estimated to have attempted suicide — a rate that’s nearly nine times as high as the rate of cisgender Americans.
What underlies this astonishingly elevated rate of mental health issues? According to a study published in the July 2016 edition of The Lancet offers significant evidence that the “distress and impairment, considered essential characteristics of mental disorders” among transgender individuals primarily arises in response to the discrimination, stigma, lack of acceptance, and abuse they face on an unfortunately regular basis. […] – Katherine Schreiber, writer at Psychology Today, Dec. 6. 2016
The Trump administration has waged a nonstop onslaught against the rights of LGBTQ people since its Inauguration in January 2017. […] –
So then….”The Discrimination Administration” seems a very fitting name for the Trump administration. Except for mostly Old, rich, white men, who hasn’t Trump and his administration sought to disenfranchise and subjugate? Now those fools actually think they can erase people from existence….smh!?!
As I’ve already admitted, I don’t *get* the “transgender” psyche. But that doesn’t mean transgenders don’t exist and therefore can simply be “erased” from the real world. Only simpletons and/or haters think like that.
As a gay, Black, female, there are plenty of “straight” people who don’t *get* how I can be attracted to, and romantically involved with, someone of the same sex – and honestly, I wish I knew where it (this feeling) came from because I certainly NEVER asked for it or desired to be this way- but that doesn’t mean I don’t exist.
So as I’ve said this is a tough one for me. Regular readers may recall, I’ve never supported “Gay marriage.” It’s NOT for me. I support Marriage Equality -the right of 2 consenting adults to marry. That’s it.
Also, I’ve never supported that “bathroom assignment” foolishness -No I don’t want transgender men coming into women’s restrooms, especially as it puts women and young girls at high risk for being assaulted (perhaps even killed) by sexual predators.
And what the heck are “single-sex” programs? Seriously, is that related to single-sex schools/education?
See. This whole issue is a very complicated issue with many complicated questions. And anyone who thinks the solutions to such complicated questions are “Easy” (d*mn the Unintended consequences of those “Easy” answers) is, IMO, comparable to being “blind in one and can’t see out the other.”
And that’s exactly what WE have in America today. The Blind leading the blind.