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Westboro Plans To Protest Mandela Funeral

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Westboro Plans To Protest Mandela Funeral
Westboro Baptist Church is known for causing havoc at funerals for U.S. military personnel and other prominent people, but now they intend to take their trouble making ways across the Atlantic..

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The controversial and supposed “church” now says it will travel to South Africa to picket Nelson Mandela’s funeral.

“THANK GOD for Nelson Mandela being dropped into hell! Westboro Baptist Church booking flight to South Africa (not banned) to picket funeral!” the opportunistic group tweeted once news of Mandela’s passing was announced.

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However, their hateful intentions were not received well by the twitterverse.

“You are truly lost human beings, you claim 2 b people of god but you couldn’t be further from the truth you preach nothing but hate,” said user @Tuckthestrutt.

“Disrespectful scumbags. If anyone is going to hell, it’s you guys,” responded another user, @Hushpigg.

“South Africa will most certainly greet you with more extreme prejudice than authorities allow here in the US. Some may not return,” said Twitter user @JimFTFD.

Attention-starving Westboro is used to exploiting U.S. law to their advantage by invoking their right to picket any funeral they choose.  However, once outside the U.S., Westboro may find themselves on the wrong side of African “street law,” should some South African mourner decide to take matters into their own hands and send a few Westboro protesters to hospital or an early and rather unexpected grave.

OK WASSUP! is your source for the top news today, including the latest news that Westboro Baptist Church intends to protest the funeral of Nelson Mandela.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. NOT a good idea. Not a good idea at all. In fact it could prove to be the *last* idea any of them have.

    As one commenter wrote:

    […] once outside the U.S., Westboro may find themselves on the wrong side of African "street law…"

    But they haven't shown themselves to be an intelligent group. Just a twisted group driven by hate so there you have it.

    We'll see if they actually make the trip.

  2. Hahahaha oh I hope they do go over there, cuz they will quickly get a beatdown from some Africans who don't care about their rights and won't be in the mood for no bullsh*t. When some brothers grab their picket signs and some bats and start whoopin their as*es, they'll be running for the next flight back to the US. LOL I wish I could be there to see it in person. Like random white guy said it ain't gonna end well!

  3. This is not really a church. And they are not biblical in anyway by stating people are going to hell. They are fools who like attention and they will do anything to get it. They are an untrue and negative shadow on Christianity. Lol, they know better to take this crap outside. They said they were going to protest the funerals of Bernie Mac and Whitney Houston. Lol, it never happened. They know who to try this on and who not to.

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