Comments on: Travel Ban Tweet Lands Trump In Trouble News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 07 Jun 2017 05:08:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 21:23:08 +0000 Erick Erickson (right-winger and editor of blogsite The Resurgent:

Though accidentally, it appears Donald Trump has joined ISIS in their effort to elect Jeremy Corbyn. Trump’s self-centered dumbassery on Twitter has started a state crisis in Britain. His attacks on London’s Mayor have allowed Labour in Britain to demand a withdrawal of Trump’s state visit. Trump’s unpopularity coupled with the invitation by Theresa May has put May in a very difficult position right before an election that should have given the Tories a clear majority.

Donald Trump and ISIS are working in concert, though not coordinated, to get Jeremy Corbyn elected. ISIS is doing so intentionally. President Trump is just a dumbass with a Twitter account who cannot help himself. […]

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 19:35:54 +0000 In reply to Mr. BD.

"If I'm not mistaken these tweets become permanent record just like letters do from a president."

Yes. That's my understanding too BD.

By: Wil Tue, 06 Jun 2017 19:24:31 +0000 CNN:
President Donald Trump's Twitter account has become the most famous in the world.

The instant connection between his mind and fingers has offered a unique insight into how (and what) a president thinks on a daily basis.

The US president, however, is concerned the media wants him to stop tweeting.

Among a Tuesday morning barrage of Trump tweets was this: "The FAKE MSM is working so hard trying to get me not to use Social Media. They hate that I can get the honest and unfiltered message out."

By: Mr. BD Tue, 06 Jun 2017 19:01:29 +0000 If I'm not mistaken these tweets become permanent record just like letters do from a president. So this will be kept in history. This fool is still fighting like he is in a campaign and ruining everything for himself while doing it. Also the fight he started with the muslim mayor of London was just ignorant. I read something yesterday that said what if London's prime minister tweeted a fight with the mayor of Orlando after the big shooting at the gay club there. Everybody would have been outraged. We have a madman in the White House and it is depressing me.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 17:35:42 +0000 "The Wall Street Journal Calls Out President Trump And With Good Reason"

The reality is, the editorial page of the WSJ takes a very pro-Trump stance and has since the inauguration. There have been rare exceptions, but the criticism is often tepid. In their latest editorial though, they take aim at President Trump with both barrels. […] – RedState

WSJ: "The Buck Stops Everywhere Else"


Some people with a propensity for self-destructive behavior can’t seem to help themselves, President Trump apparently among them. Over the weekend and into Monday he indulged in another cycle of Twitter outbursts and pointless personal feuding that may damage his agenda and the powers of the Presidency.

He assailed London Mayor Sadiq Khan for supposedly minimizing the threat, though what Mr. Khan said was that there was no reason to be alarmed by an enlarged police presence after the rampage. “Pathetic excuse,” Mr. Trump called it.

These comments are reckless on multiple levels.

If this pattern continues, Mr. Trump may find himself running an Administration with no one but his family and the Breitbart staff. People of talent and integrity won’t work for a boss who undermines them in public without thinking about the consequences. And whatever happened to the buck stops here?

In other words, in 140-character increments, Mr. Trump diminished his own standing by causing a minor international incident, demonstrated that the loyalty he demands of the people who work for him isn’t reciprocal, set back his policy goals and wasted time that he could have devoted to health care, tax reform or “infrastructure week.” Mark it all down as further evidence that the most effective opponent of the Trump Presidency is Donald J. Trump. […]
