Comments on: TROUBLE FOR OPRAH’S OWN News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:33:04 +0000 I wasn't into watching Oprah's talk-show (I watch very little tv and I've never like talk-shows). But I have always admired her stellar professional/business achievements and philanthropic endeavors.I have to say, I never understood WHY she felt the need to have her *OWN* cable network(?) She was so successful without it.From the beginning I thought it an incredibly ri$ky business move….so ri$ky, that it wasn't worth the ri$k at all. Sadly, it's looking more and more like I was right. I also considered the issue of Oprah's past battles with Depression due to her inablity to cope effectively with *Failure* (SEE: Oprah after the failure of her movie adaptation of Toni Morrison's best seller book "Beloved")With scores of Discovery Network investors involved in this horrifically expen$ive venture. I shudder to think how she would handle such a monumental Failing if indeed she has to pull the plug on her network(?) Suffice it to say: I don't think she'd ever be the same again.      
