Comments on: TROUBLE IN ‘Miami Heat’ PARADISE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 09 Mar 2011 18:22:07 +0000 Oh I forgot to ask: WHY, pray tell, did Pat Riley bring that Bibby fella aboard?!I could only take about 3 minutes of that guy playing during his debut with the team. Watching him shooting wild and missing shot after shot made my hair hurt…smh! 

By: BD Wed, 09 Mar 2011 15:21:56 +0000 I didn't hear Lebron say that. But I did notice Bosh never takes part in post game. 

By: Adam Wed, 09 Mar 2011 15:01:16 +0000 <span>Did anybody hear Lebron say him and Dwade were the leaders of this team? LOL. Looks like they forget all about CBosh. They don't even let him do post game interviews. </span>

By: BD Wed, 09 Mar 2011 14:49:18 +0000 I'm good with D Wade, don't care about Bosh, and never been a Lebron fan. But I said a long time ago this was gonna happen. Lebron and Wade are the same player so they don't complement each other well. They both need the ball all the time to be effective and like Truth said Lebron is no leader. That big celebration they had last summer introducing the big 3 like they had won something already was to much. Now carma is coming back on them. So I'll take the bait and say I told you so. I'd rather see the Bulls, Orlando, or even the Knicks win before Miami.

By: Truthiz Wed, 09 Mar 2011 13:34:54 +0000 As I've said before: I'm no fan of any particular NBA team. There are players I enjoy watching very much. Lebron and D.Wade have been at the top of my list for years now. And since I'm not a "fair-weather" admirer, they still remain at the top of my list. This year Derrcik Rose, D. Howard, and Stoudemire have been added to my list. But I digress.In short: What Lebron, D. Wade and Bosh are currently having to face is what I call _"You LIVE by the spotlight, you DIE by the spotlight" situation. And they have NO ONE to blame for it but THEMSELVES.Lebron had every right to leave Cleveland. But he carried out "The Decision" disastrously.D. Wade had every right to want to play with his friends, Lebron and Bosh. But he abdicated HIS leadership role, AND surrendered HIS team, to Lebron, who is a *baller.* An exceptional *baller.* But just a *baller*….NOT a leader.Bosh, IMO, was just happy to be in the number. But now even he's frustrated.Meanwhile, the coach doesn't appear to have a clue as to how to *coach* these guys.Btw: Are elite *ballers* coachable these days? Or are most NBA coaches intimidated by them?  Anyway: Until "The Big Three" figure out how to effectively play together, looks like they're in for a very BUMPY ride. 
