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After a last second appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court delayed the 7pm legal murder of Troy Davis last night, the nation’s highest court eventually denied his last hope for life.  At some point after 11pm, the State of Georgia administered a lethal injection. Troy Davis was executed.

For 20 years, Troy Davis maintained he was innocent of the murder of an off-duty Savannah police officer in 1989.  Multiple witnesses from the original trial came forward over the years to say the police department intimidated them into making false statements on the witness stand.  Members of congress, former president Jimmy Carter, even the Pope, all begged lawmakers to review new facts in the case and spare the life of a man who could be innocent.  But that didn’t happen.  Troy Davis was executed.

Despite all the evidence that pointed to guilt in the death of her daughter Caylee, Casey Anthony walks the streets today as a free woman.  But last night — Troy Davis was executed.

May his soul rest in peace!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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HuffPost:Martina Correria, Troy Davis's sister, made an emotional, symbolic statement before he was scheduled to be executed Wednesday in Georgia.The Associated Press reported that Correia, who is fighting breast cancer, and uses a wheelchair, told the crowd and media gathered:"I'm here to tell you that I'm going to stand here for my brother today."Correia, a trained nurse who served in the 1991 Gulf War, then stood up on stage with the help of others around her. She ended her speech by saying, "I'm Troy Davis; you are Troy Davis; we are Troy Davis."Read:…DJ:"Despite all the evidence that pointed to guilt in the death of her daughter Caylee, Casey Anthony walks the streets today as a free woman.  But last night — Troy Davis was executed."And therein lies ONE of the main problems for Me, regardiing my very limited support for the death penality.But FIRST let me say that I fully understand the hurt and… Read more »


I'm mad, sad, and a lotta things rolled into one. The only good that come out of this is the death penalty is in the spot light. Troy Davis death created a brand new generation to fight the death penalty. RIP.

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