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Trump Affidavit Revealed; Donald Is Going To Jail!

- a reckoning may (finally) be coming

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Now that the previously sealed Trump affidavit — which was used to justify the raid on Mar-a-Lago — has finally been revealed, there is no doubt that Donald Trump is going to jail!

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When the FBI convinced a federal judge that it was urgent to initiate an emergency raid on Trump’s Florida home and seize classified documents he’d stolen from the White House, Republicans were seething mad. Several prominent members of the GOP immediately took to the airwaves in Trump’s defense, calling the raid “overkill,” “unnecessary,” and a political witch hunt. Their divisive reactions were so vitriolic, that MAGA sycophants took their words as a green light to make violent threats against members of the FBI. 

Trump Affidavit

Well, that was then and this is now.

On Friday and after ‘The Donald’ all but dared a judge to release the facts, the Trump affidavit was unsealed and all the proof of a massive crime and threat to national security was laid out for all to see. Now, Republicans have gone radio silent without even a peep out of even the most ardent critics.

Let’s take a look at why the unsealed Trump affidavit could soon see ‘The Donald’ behind bars.

We now know that the stolen documents contained the identities of witnesses, law enforcement agents, and other extremely sensitive information that is kept secret in the interest of national security.

“While we don’t know what that information pertains to, by its very definition it could conceivably threaten individuals’ lives.”

– Mark Zaid, national security attorney 
Trump Affidavit

Since the August 8th Mar-a-Lago raid, Trump has insisted that he and his lawyers have cooperated fully with the Department of Justice in getting the documents back to their proper place. However, the Trump affidavit revealed that not only has Trump and his team been excessively uncooperative with the DOJ, but it also stalled the government through a prolonged 7-month delay in 2021 before willingly handing over any documents at all.

When the DOJ discovered Trump was storing hundreds of highly classified documents inside a basement closet at his Florida resort, officials sent him an official notice reminding him that the items are only allowed to be viewed in secure government facilities, of which Trump’s resort is not. They added that since there was no “secure location authorized for the storage of classified information” anywhere at the resort, he needed to either return the documents immediately or at least secure them until the government could legally act.   

Trump’s response was to add a 2nd lock to the closet door and return nothing.

A 2nd letter stated: “We demand the preservation of the storage room in its current condition until further notice,” while pointing out that the severity of the issue was more about a possible crime scene than a casual chat about padlocks.

The Trump affidavit also revealed that although Trump claims he declassified all the documents he took, the current sitting president and the remaining US government still consider the documents highly secret. Or, in other words, declassifying docs in his own mind doesn’t make them declassified.

“While Trump could have declassified whatever he liked while president, his apparent inability to produce any credible evidence that he actually did so is a genuine problem—particularly against the backdrop of an incumbent president who clearly sees the documents as still classified.”

– Scott Anderson, former senior legal adviser at the US State Department
Trump Affidavit

The 38-page Trump affidavit, which was submitted by an unidentified FBI Special Agent with training “specific to counterintelligence and espionage investigations,” says that there was probable cause to believe that classified national defense information or records subject to presidential retention requirements were still somewhere at Mar-a-Lago.

“There is also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction will be found,” the affidavit concluded.

Since the FBI raid, Trump has remained true to form by going on the defensive.

He claimed that the FBI planted incriminating evidence in his home during the search. He denied a report that the documents contained nuclear information. He declared he had a “standing order” that any and everything he removed from The White House was automatically declassified. He barked that everything the FBI removed from Mar-a-Lago was protected by attorney-client privilege. He whined that agents “stole” his passports during the search. Oh, and he also dubbed the entire search a “hoax.”

Thankfully, the unsealed Trump affidavit and its related information have now proven all of Trump’s words to be a bald-faced lie.

If you want to know the TRUTH from the US government (in very simple terms) regarding their case against Donald Trump, here it is: 

(1) Trump was in unauthorized possession of national defense information, namely properly marked classified documents.

(2) He was put on notice by the US Government that he was not permitted to retain those documents at Mar-a-Lago.

(3) He continued to maintain possession of the documents (and allegedly undertook efforts to conceal them in different places throughout the property) up until the FBI finally executed a search warrant earlier this month.

Check and Mate. This is an open and shut case. Case closed.

He stole documents he shouldn’t have taken. He was asked time and again to return them. He refused to return them. The stolen documents were then seized by the federal government in his possession at his home of record.

If any ordinary American had done the same, they’d be behind bars tonight without a defense.

In fact, former National Security Agency contractor Harold “Hal” Martin stole a similar treasure trove of classified materials from the US government and stored them in his home in 2019. He was sentenced to 9 years in prison.

So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, thanks to Trump’s own egotistical ignorance and the now unsealed Trump affidavit, you may very well see Donald Trump in an orange jumpsuit sooner than you think!

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Unsealed Trump affidavit could put him behind bars.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I guess I am the first to comment today. I never want to count the chickens before they hatch so I am not going to get my hopes up that he is going to jail. But it does look like it is going to happen this time. All the Repubs who was defending him have shut up. Plus the evidence is there this time. I heard somebody say on MSNBC this case is the best one over all the other ones that could really get him. I cross my fingers this could be it.


I am so late getting to this but it’s been another really busy Monday for me with 2 of my right-hand staff calling off sick today.

But I digress.

I’m with BD on this: “I am not going to get my hopes up that he is going to jail. But it does look like it is going to happen this time.”

It had better happen, when all is said and done, or we’re just a Banana Republic. No longer a democracy. 

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Oh and um..word to Lindsey Graham about his punk-azz threat of “riots in the streets” if his sorry-azz FAKE master is indicted:

You ain’t seen riots in the streets Lindsey!

If that orange Mussolini wannabe master of yours isn’t arrested!?! Oh well yeah, you just might see some real rioting in the streets!


Hey Truth you got that right. The way people ran in the streets when Trump lost is the same way they will run in the streets with this. Lindsey need to go sit down somewhere with all that.

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