Trump Bible Is ‘Blasphemous’ Says Pastor
An Evangelical pastor has had it up to here with the mixing of politics and religion, the ‘Church of Trump,’ and the Trump Bible — and has called out all Christians in a fiery sermon that has rocked the movement.
Current Events :
Pastor Loran Livingston, senior pastor of the Charlotte Central Church of God in Charlotte, North Carolina, delivered a recent sermon so full of truth, that it prompted those who say they believe in God (but still support Donald Trump and his antics) to begin to question their sanity and belief systems.

Pastor Livingston took Evangelicals to task for believing in a false prophet such as Donald Trump and for placing their political belief above their faith.
“Some of you bring politics into the church. You think that politics is spiritual stuff — politics is of this world. You think it’s your duty to be political about this, that, and the other,” the pastor said.
He also chastised his fellow Christians for desiring copies of the ‘God Bless The USA’ Trump Bible — which places God’s word right alongside the US Constitution.
“No! No, it’s disgusting! It’s blasphemous! It’s a ploy!”

“Are you kidding me‽‽ Some of you are so encouraged by that. Let me tell you something — the gospel is not an American gospel. it is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,” Livingston said.
“You’re telling me that you’re encouraged because someone took a government — US Constitution — a document that says we are of the people, by the people and for the people, the people, the people, the people — and you have put it right beside the word of God which is eternal, unchanging which says of Him, by Him, through Him, to Him, from Him are all things?” he continued.
“And you’re going to put those together and be happy about it? God forbid.”
“Are you telling me that you would take a document that says this is of the people, by the people, for the people and stick it up beside the holy word of God that is infallible, eternal and it’s not about me but it’s about [God]?” Livingston asked. “Are you going to tell me that it’s okay to stick a Bill of Rights — OUR rights, America, just Americans, in God — GOD’S holy word and turn this whole thing into an American Bible with an American gospel?” he continued.
“Ah, some of you are really upset with me right now, but I’m here to tell you that [the Trump Bible] is a cheap ploy.”

Pastor Livingston’s sermon and takedown of the Trump Bible was so popular, it has since trended on Twitter/X, Instagram, and Reddit.
Take a look at the dynamic sermon below and see for yourself why some Evangelical Trump followers are likely licking their wounds from his words.
Pastor Loran Livingston tore the church up with this one.
— Howard Henderson (@hhendersonphd) April 22, 2024
OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Evangelical pastor denounces the Trump Bible.
DJ my friend you are on it this week. Seriously, have read my mind! 😀
I was hoping you saw this video and would post it for discussion.
I saw it a week ago and was blown away by it!
I was not expecting that video.
Hey Wil, I hear you!
Like I said when I saw it a week ago I was absolutely blown away!
Now mind you, he isn’t the only “conservative” Pastor who is now speaking out against the dangers of mixing politics with religion.
But he is the only Pastor so far who really rips the bark off of those who claim to be a Christian and yet espouse such “blasphemous” foolishness!
Hey Wil I never saw this video before either. But I never thought I would see the day the white evangelicals would turn on Trump. I do not know how to process this.