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Trump Border Wall Likely A No-Go

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Trump Border Wall
Trump Border Wall may be a myth

Current Events –
Trump Border Wall
Likely A No-Go

Remember that Trump Border Wall “The Donald” promised to construct along the US – Mexico border in order to keep all the “bad hombre’s” out? Well now, even his own homeland security secretary is questioning the logistics of such an idea.

Current Events
Secretary John F. Kelly surprisingly broke ranks with his boss and said he doubts a wall along the entire border with Mexico would or could ever be built, no matter what Trump says.

“It is unlikely that we will build a wall from sea to shining sea,” Mr. Kelly told senators on the Homeland Security Committee.

Trump Border Wall

Not only would a wall be horrifically expensive, but it would be logistically impossible to build where there are bodies of water, mountains, and Native American tribal lands. So, even IF the Trump Border Wall were to be built at certain places along the US and Mexico perimeter, anyone who was hell-bent on crossing into America could simply travel to wherever a wall didn’t exist and use that as their entryway — making a Trump Border Wall totally obsolete and a colossal waste of time and money.

Trump Border Wall
Gen. John F. Kelly

Instead of a continuous Trump Border Wall, Mr. Kelly said his department is actually looking into building physical barriers, such as fences and concrete walls, in places that made sense. He added that the department is scouting the best locations to construct barriers and that it was impossible to estimate the cost at this time.

“The Donald” has insisted that all prototypes submitted for the Trump Border Wall not only be effective but also aesthetically pleasing.  Nearly all of the major construction companies with the know-how to build such a wall opted out of submitting bids, leaving the playing field wide open for a variety of smaller and less experienced companies. The plan is for the first new section of the wall to be built on a short strip of federally owned land in San Diego, where (interestingly) fencing already exists.

According to Mr. Kelly, his department is focusing less on a wall and more on other types of efforts to strengthen border security, some of which have already started to see results. For example, he noted that apprehensions along the Southwest border have declined. Border Patrol agents caught only 17,000 people trying to cross the border illegally in February, which is down from nearly 60,000 people in December.


OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Trump Border Wall already in trouble.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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