
Trump Buddies Subpoenaed In Expanding Probe

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Congratulations, Donald Trump! You and several of your Trump buddies have just won an all-expenses paid investigation by the US Department of Justice!!

Politics :
Yes, if you thought US Attorney General Merrick Garland was simply sitting on his hands and too scared to go after ‘The Donald’ and his Trump buddies for attempting to steal the 2020 election — or that a Trump judge had successfully halted a takedown of Donald Trump with her “special master” ruling last week related to stolen classified documents — well, think again. In fact, not only is Garland and the DOJ still forging ahead in the probe of Trump, but the investigation has now expanded to multiple Trump buddies.

Trump Buddies

On Monday, Justice Department officials seized the phones of 2 top Trump advisers and issued multiple aides with at least 40 subpoenas in what is being called a “significant escalation” of the investigation into Trump’s efforts to subvert the 2020 presidential election. 

According to The New York Times, federal agents with court-authorized search warrants confiscated the phones of Boris Epshteyn, an in-house counsel who helps coordinate Trump’s legal efforts, and Mike Roman, a campaign strategist who was the director of Election Day operations for the Trump campaign in 2020. Epshteyn and Roman have each been linked to a scheme to name slates of fake electors pledged to Trump from swing states that were actually won by Joe Biden, in an effort to block or delay congressional certification of Mr. Biden’s Electoral College victory.

As if that weren’t enough, the DOJ issued a round of subpoenas to several other Trump buddies for their roles in attempting to illegally keep Trump in power.

Trump Buddies
Trump attorneys John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani at Jan. 6 rally

Among those names are Dan Scavino, a former Trump social media director who rose from working at a Trump-owned golf course to become one of his most loyal West Wing aides; Bernard B. Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner who actively promoted claims of voter fraud; Trump attorney’s Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, and Jeffrey Clark, who each participated in the fake elector scheme in order to unlawfully keep Donald Trump in the White House.

Trump Buddies
Trump Buddies

News of this escalating DOJ investigation comes just as New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman is preparing to release her new book detailing how Donald Trump had decided he was not going to leave The White House voluntarily at the end of his term.

“I’m just not going to leave,” Trump told an aide, according to an excerpt of Haberman’s book “Confidence Man” published by CNN.  

“We’re never leaving,” Trump told another aide after initially accepting that he’d lost the election and would have to move out. “How can you leave when you won an election?”

Haberman’s book “Confidence Man” hits the stands on October 4th. However, Merrick Garland appears ready to hit ‘The Donald’ and his Trump buddies much sooner.

OK WASSUP! discusses Political News:
DOJ hits several Trump buddies with subpoenas.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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In fact, not only is Garland and the DOJ still forging ahead in the probe of Trump, but the investigation has now expanded to multiple Trump buddies. […] – DJ

Setting aside Trump for a minute. You read the names on the list and it’s a Who’s Who of so-called “conservative” elites who willingly betrayed Our nation and democracy, eagerly committed treason, engaged in fascist (lying and bullying) tactics to push the authoritarian-like agenda of a FAKE authoritarian who in actuality is just a really dumb, corrupt, serial lying, 2-bit conman and evil azz shmuck. Their leader.   

Squeeze them….really really hard. And hopefully Garland bolsters his already strong case against Trump through possibly indicting some, if not all, of them! 

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

When all said and done, ALL of this means nothing if Trump isn’t indicted and hopefully convicted!

We cannot say “We’re a nation of Laws” and “No man is above the Law” if Trump isn’t indicted and hopefully convicted on ALL counts.


Politico: The Justice Department has issued some 40 subpoenas to aides of former President Donald Trump regarding Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, POLITICO confirmed Monday. The subpoenas, first reported by The New York Times, are a major step forward in the ongoing investigation of the events leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. They also come as Trump is dealing with a separate inquiry into his handling of presidential records and classified material that he took with him to his home in Florida after the end of his presidency. Trump’s lawyers and the Justice Department are currently in a protracted legal battle over the custody of those records. Former Trump adviser Stephen Bannon was the first to discuss the recent batch of subpoenas, saying on his podcast last week that 35 had been issued. That number appears to have been a slight lowballing… Read more »


Merrick Garland is a sniper. People were doubting him but he has been putting in work behind the scenes. He is going after everybody.


BD, I would like to think that Garland truly is a “sniper” and that he WILL get Trump and as many of his cronies as he can.

But after the Robert Mueller debacle I’m going to wait and see if Garland actually gets the job done!

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