
Trump Campaign Launch Is An Old, Broken Record

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Donald Trump kicked off his reelection plans with the official 2020 Donald Trump campaign launch earlier this week in Orlando, Florida.  Too bad the event was just more of the same old broken down record.

Donald Trump spent much of his 2016 campaign attacking Hillary Clinton.  Fast forward to the Trump campaign launch of 2020 and absolutely nothing has changed.  Despite the fact that Mrs. Clinton is not running this time around, ‘The Donald’ still devoted much of his campaign trail talk to her and not the 20+ actual Democratic candidates running against him.  In fact, Trump’s speech this week sounded almost exactly like the one he gave in 2016.

Trump Campaign Launch

Well, leave it to Trevor Noah and Comedy Central’s THE DAILY SHOW to point out and poke fun at Donald Trump plagiarizing Donald Trump.  Even late night host Stephen Colbert got into the act.  Check it out in the video below. It’ll have you saying, “Where have I heard that before?”




OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The Trump campaign launch sounded familiar.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Lol. Okay now that’s just sad. There’s just so much *Nothing* of value to the man that he (and his staff) thought it a good idea to let him plagiarize himself from 2016. Po’ fella…smh.

    And of course, his supporters are fine with it because he’s their guy. Yes sirree! A corrupt and vacuous pile of Nothing. And they just love him.

    Thanks for sharing the video DJ.


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