
Trump Children Already Violating Ethics?

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Trump Children present ethical problems

Politics –
Trump Children Already
Violating Ethics?

The Trump Children have long been involved in their father’s business dealings. Now, they are deeply inserting themselves into his presidential dealings. Is it time someone taught the Trump kids how to spell the word E-T-H-I-C-S?

Since the November 8th election, 3 of the 4 adult Trump children have been a near-constant and questionable presence as Donald Trump prepares to enter the White House. Each of them serves on his transition committee. Daughter Ivanka was present and participated in a meeting with the prime minister of Japan. Several of them joined in on a phone call with the president of Argentina. Each of them sat at the table while Donald Trump met with leaders of major technology companies. Donald Jr. even played a role in choosing his father’s nominee for secretary of the interior.

Trump Children JARED KUSHNER
Jared Kushner

Additionally, Ivanka Trump is discussing a possible advisory role (or perhaps playing the traditional role of First Lady) in the Trump administration. Her husband, Jared Kushner, is under consideration as a West Wing adviser. All of this is concurrent with claims that Donald Trump will distance himself from his many global businesses and let his children run them for him.

How can the Trump Children run the private and for-profit Trump empire, while sitting at the table and actively participating in U.S. government decisions? Are the Trump Children at risk of violating US ethics laws? Surprisingly, several prominent Republicans are already saying yes!

“I just think you borrow trouble when you put your children in government meetings, whether it is legal or not,” said Ari Fleischer, who served as press secretary to President George W. Bush.

“Actions the president is going to be taking are already going to be controversial,” added Peter J. Wallison, who served as White House counsel under Ronald Reagan. “If there are questions as to why he made a particular decision and how it might impact his family, that is not good. They need to be thinking about this.”

Yes, the Trump Children should probably be giving greater consideration to the ethical perception problems their constant presence is creating. Instead, they seem more focused on profiting from their father’s presidential future.

Earlier this month, the Trump Children created the nonprofit Opening Day Foundation (presumably a reference to the first day of hunting season), which listed Eric and Donald Trump Jr. as members of the board of directors.

An invitation was sent out last week urging wealthy Trump supporters to become a “Bald Eagle” donor by writing a $1 million check, or a “Grizzly Bear” donor with a $500,000 check, in exchange for private access to Donald Trump the day after his swearing-in. The deal also included a chance to go hunting and/or fishing at a later date with Eric and Donald Jr.

Trump Children SONS HUNTING
Trump sons present paid hunting offer

“Opening Day is your opportunity to play a significant role as our family commemorates the inauguration of our father, friend and President Donald J. Trump,” the invitation said.

To the Trump sons, this was a brilliant idea and a great way to make a fast buck. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a competent adult around to explain to them the myriad of ethics violations their idea created.

By Tuesday, the Trump Organization was already backpedaling and issued a statement distancing the family from the fund-raiser, saying the event had “not been approved or pursued by the Trump family.”

(Editor’s note: Their statement was surprising since legal documents prove Eric and Donald Jr. were both members of the board of directors of the Opening Day Foundation)

Although the event is still scheduled, references of a hunting trip have been removed and Eric Trump now says neither he nor his brother will attend.

“Eric and Don Jr. will support the foundation, but they will not be co-founders of it,” said Mark Brinkerhoff, the spokesman for Opening Day. “Their involvement with the foundation and with the event is purely supportive. They will not be official parties to the Opening Day Foundation.”

Additionally, a spokesman for Opening Day added that new legal papers would be filed to remove Eric and Donald Jr. as members of the board.

Not to be outdone by her brothers, Ivanka Trump also had designs on profiting from her father’s presidency.

Trump Chlldren IVANKA
Ivanka Trump

The eldest Trump daughter created an online auction offering the winning bidder the opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee with her on behalf of the Eric Trump Foundation. However, once a number of prominent businessmen told The New York Times they were interested in the auction as a means to pass a message to her father on policy issues like immigration, or to gather information that might affect their investments, the auction was promptly canceled.

These extra-curricular activities are just the latest examples of the ethical minefield Donald Trump and his family faces as he prepares to take the oath of office. It also highlights the very strong need for someone in charge to clearly define how involved the Trump Children might be in their father’s administration.

“I am seeing insensitivity to what is ahead,” Michael H. Cardozo, who worked in the White House counsel’s office under President Jimmy Carter, said of the Trump Children.

“They have to understand that they are under the microscope, just like their parents,” said Mark K. Updegrove, a presidential historian who has written four books on White House occupants, from George Washington to George W. Bush. “For the children, they run the risk of being made an example of, if they are not careful in how they interact with their families.”

Under federal law, a president’s children or relations by marriage are prohibited from holding paid positions in federal agencies. The rules surrounding unpaid and advisory appointments are less clear, but still, present a host of perception problems.

The actions of the Trump Children, including their involvement in transitional government business while using their status to make money, threatens to undermine their father’s promises to “drain the swamp” and get rid of special interests in Washington. In fact, Donald Trump’s own advisers are already privately expressing concern over distractions involving his family.

Donald Trump said he will reveal plans to prevent conflicts of interest between his presidency and his business affiliations at some point in January. With all the ethical conflicts his children seem stuck on presenting, “The Donald” may want to use some of his thoughts from the Mexico “wall” to build a metaphorical wall between his family and his administration.


Trump Children 2


OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Trump Children and ethical conflicts.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. The actions of the Trump Children, including their involvement in transitional government business while using their status to make money, threatens to undermine their father’s promises to “drain the swamp” and get rid of special interests in Washington. […]

    Okay DJ, fess up…Lol. How hard was it for you to write this while trying to keep a straight face?

    Seriously though. Can any of Us truly say that we're surprised by ANY of the Trump family shenanigans?


  2. ….and on a related note…….

    Gingrich: Trump backing away from 'drain the swamp'


    President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on a promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington of corruption, but now that he’s preparing to move into the White House, Newt Gingrich said the Manhattan billionaire is looking to distance himself from that message.

    “I'm told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn't want to use it anymore,” the former House Speaker and close Trump adviser said of the “drain the swamp” message in an NPR interview published Wednesday morning. “I've noticed on a couple of fronts, like people chanting ‘lock her up,’ that he's in a different role now and maybe he feels that as president, as the next president of the United States, that he should be marginally more dignified than talking about alligators in swamps.”

    While Trump made his “drain the swamp” pledge a major part of his campaign message in the presidential race’s final weeks, his transition team was, in its early days after the election, packed with lobbyists for the pharmaceutical, chemical, fossil fuel and tobacco industries. Under pressure, Trump’s team instituted a rigid lobbying ban that prompted some to leave, but the group orchestrating the president-elect’s transition still relies heavily on GOP insiders.

    Trump’s cabinet and other high-level appointments seem to have deviated somewhat from his “drain the swamp” message. After attacking Democrat Hillary Clinton regularly throughout the campaign for being too close to Wall Street banks, Trump has put three former Goldman Sachs executives in prominent White House positions, including Steven Mnuchin as treasury secretary, Steve Bannon as chief White House strategist and Gary Cohn as the director of the National Economic Council. […] -HuffPost

    HuffPost Reader:
    Drain the Swamp, Build a Wall, Lock Her Up – all were obvious lies to lure in the disenfranchised. The Swamp is full of Goldman Sachs & Pro-Russian shills, the 'Wall' is a fence and Trump will be back dining with the Clintons within a year. But Trump always told you what he was, and you get what you voted for – so enjoy. […]

  3. It makes sense now Trump ran so him and his kids could make money off being president. Think about all the foreign reps who are going to stay at Trump hotels now just to get in good with him. Of course they are trying to make all the money they can off of this. They just got caught early. But that won't stop them because they have years to take all the money they can get. The funny part is Trump called Clinton a crook when it was him all along.

  4. from CNN:
    Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are no longer listed as directors of a nonprofit that appeared to advertise a meeting with the incoming president in exchange for a $1 million donation.
    Paperwork removing their names from the Opening Day Foundation's list of directors was received and processed Wednesday by the state of Texas, said Alicia Pierce, a spokeswoman for the Texas secretary of state.
    A document filed last week had listed the Trump sons as initial directors of the nonprofit. It was not clear who filed the new papers.
    The organization drew scrutiny after TMZ posted what it called a "draft" of an invitation to an Opening Day fundraiser on January 21, the day after Donald Trump's presidential inauguration.

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