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Trump Coronavirus Briefing Is Back!

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Don’t look now, but the infamous Donald Trump Coronavirus Briefing is back.  Needless to say, Tuesday’s debut return was the exact trainwreck we all expected it to be.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, VP Mike Pence began holding press briefings to allow world-renowned scientific experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx the opportunity to inform the American public about the risks and remedies regarding the deadly virus.  And then, Donald Trump stepped in!

Trump Coronavirus Briefing

Almost immediately, the daily briefings turned into the ‘Trump Coronavirus Briefing’ starring Donald Trump.  The chance for Americans to gain valuable knowledge from actual medical experts was brushed aside and a new ego boost for ‘The Donald’ was born.

Too bad for Trump, but the sideshow got canceled once America tired of his self-aggrandizing on national television coupled with his bizarre suggestion that we all ingest disinfectants in order to kill the virus.

Now, the Trump Coronavirus Briefing has returned — except, this time, it’s a one-man show featuring ONLY Donald Trump himself.  No Dr. Fauci.  No Dr. Birx.  No Surgeon General or medical expert at all.  Just Trump.

Trump Coronavirus Briefing
Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx

“Today, I want to provide an update on our response to the China virus,” Trump began with his predictable racist dig against China inserted right away.  He then segued into a monotonous monologue from prepared remarks which included the acknowledgment of a “concerning rise” in COVID-19 cases in the South (a theory he had previously dismissed).  However, it didn’t take long for Trump to go off the rails and slip back into his old hit list of outright lies.

“The US has done many more tests than other countries,” Trump boasted while ignoring the fact that other nations don’t need as many tests because they are so much more ahead in controlling the virus.  He continued to promote the false narrative that the virus “will disappear” one day as if by magic, and gave new life to his old claim that he inherited “empty cupboards” of supplies and ventilators from the Obama administration.

Of course, no Trump Coronavirus Briefing would be complete without him bragging about how he saved America by shutting down US borders to China and Europe.  Yadda, yadda, yadda!

So, after embarrassing himself with the bright idea of ingesting bleach/disinfectant to fight COVID, why did Donald return to the briefings with his ill-advised one-man show?

According to The New York Times, a group of Republican operatives told Mike Pence in no uncertain terms that unless Donald Trump at least appeared to take the virus seriously by wearing a mask in public and holding more pandemic press briefings, he was going to lose the election and take the entire Republican Party down with him.

Well, there it is.  Now we know why Trump tweeted a photo of himself “looking patriotic” while wearing a mask.  Now we know why we may have to endure weeks of a Trump Coronavirus Briefing reboot very few of us can stomach.

OK WASSUP! covers Health News:
The Trump Coronavirus Briefing is back!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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After months of his people begging and pleading with that fool to wear a mask he finally did it…once (thus far) and they got exactly 1 picture to show to show for it. And he hasn’t worn worn a mask out in public since taking that 1 picture.

This is so pathetic. And WE look pathetic to the entire world. But it is what it is.

Donald’s so-called “coronavirus briefing” yesterday was indeed just another “waste of time” event and his afternoon briefings will no doubt go quickly downhill from there.

As we know – the guy is always…Always true to his nature.

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

I did not watch the clown circus yesterday but I already heard all about it. It is obvious he is doing all this to save himself from losing. But if he wanted to make the briefing look good he should have let the doctors run it and he go sit down somewhere. But he cannot help it. He needs the spotlight so bad it is not even funny. Mark my words he will get bored with this again and cancel the whole thing in a few days.


“I did not watch the clown circus yesterday…..”

Neither did I BD. I heard about it just like you. But really….WE (who do not live in Trump’s twisted world) didn’t have to watch it to know that it was going to be an azz-clown show. As you said- “he just cannot help it.” 

He IS who and what he is. 

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1
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