Current Events

Trump Coronavirus Response Is A Failure!

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Look out, America.  The Donald Trump coronavirus response has been a colossal failure!

Current Events
World nations agree that the coronavirus is a very serious and deadly pandemic that has rapidly spread across the globe.  What makes it so severe is that there is currently no known way to prevent it and no known way to cure it.  In fact, modern antibiotics are helpless in ridding the body of this most dangerous health threat since the Spanish Flu of 1918.

So, what has the Trump coronavirus response been to this stealthy threat?  A pathetically poor one.

Trump Coronavirus Response

Trump has a penchant for creating his own reality that is different from actual reality.  So, it should come as no surprise that while America’s own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention scientists and medical professionals along with Trump’s own vice-president were warning the world of this very real health threat, Trump was busy tearing down their authority, discounting the threat, and calling it all ‘no big deal.’

For example, when the World Health Organization announced just a few short days ago that the coronavirus death threat had risen to 3.4% and was now more lethal than the flu, Trump immediately seized the spotlight to announce that he had a “hunch” those numbers were all wrong.

“Now, this is just my hunch … based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild,” Trump told anyone who would dare listen to and believe his words at their own peril.

He then appeared at the CDC and misstated the availability of coronavirus testing, deemed himself a natural expert in epidemiology, then used the remainder of his time to attack political adversaries and not relay words of caution and advice that his own officials had advocated.

For a president who lives in the moment, rarely planning too far ahead, the coronavirus has proved to be a leadership challenge he was not prepared for either. The outbreak that has rattled the nation does not respond to Mr. Trump’s favorite instruments of power: It cannot be cowed by Twitter posts, it cannot be shot down by drones, it cannot be overcome by party solidarity, it cannot be overpowered by campaign rally chants… …He has expressed an astonishing lack of knowledge while at the same time claiming to be a medical savant. He has treated the crisis as a partisan battle, wearing his red Keep America Great campaign cap to the CDC and calling the governor presiding over the state with the highest death toll a “snake.” He even admitted that he wanted to leave passengers stranded on a cruise ship rather than see statistics for the number of cases on American soil go up because it would look bad. – The New York Times

According to WHO chairman Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”

Trump Coronavirus Response

Still, that warning didn’t stop Trump from tweeting (and Fox News from broadcasting) that the coronavirus is nothing to worry about, that all the doctors and scientists and health officials are dead wrong, and that this whole alleged ‘pandemic’ is nothing more than a Democratic smear campaign to ruin Donald Trump and hurt him in the 2020 election.


Yes, as far as Trump is concerned, the virus will “miraculously” disappear on its own with warmer weather.  He underlined that belief by traveling to his Mar-A-Lago estate over the weekend for (yet another) golfing trip instead of acknowledging the viral threat and enacting realistic ways on how Americans can cope with it over the coming months.

Donald Trump’s indifference to the coronavirus came with a huge pricetag on Monday, when the Dow dropped 2,000 points, oil prices plummeted amid a coming price war, a global recession loomed, the entire nation of Italy went on total lockdown, and officials announced nearly 115,000 cases of the virus worldwide and more than 4,000 deaths.

However, Trump doesn’t have a human boogeyman to attack this time around. He can’t make up a cute little nickname to make fun of someone and target them as the ‘enemy’ amongst his fanatic followers.  Nor can he continue much longer to ignore the numbers of Americans who are testing positive for the virus — which may now include Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and 3 additional Republican lawmakers, who self-quarantined as of Monday out of fear of having possibly contracted the virus.

Trump Coronavirus Response

In times like these, it is the President of the United States who is expected to lead, is expected to honestly inform, to calm fears, and to offer solutions.  Has Donald Trump done any of this??

If your answer is a resounding NO, then make no mistake — the Donald Trump coronavirus response is an epic failure!


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Trump coronavirus response is a F.A.I.L.



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. TAC Reader:
    So this is what it looks like to have a utter and complete idiot running the most powerful country in the world. It’s, uh, not a good look. Quite a spectacle in fact.

    Good times, right? [….]

    Okay…a show of hands of who is surprised that the the idiot-and-chief has yet again Failed so colossally?


    Nobody?? Welp…that about says it all.

  2. Help Wanted: A Minimally Competent President

    A semi-competent and responsible president would be making preparations to assist states and municipalities with funding to get them through the difficult weeks and months to come. A competent president would be appealing to the public to prepare themselves and to be willing to make sacrifices for the good of the country as a whole. . …………..

    Trump’s latest remarks show that he doesn’t understand any of this. It has become common to describe Trump’s bungling of the outbreak as his “Katrina” moment (which conveniently ignores his mishandling of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria), but it is actually much worse than that. […]

    – Daniel Larison, TAC writer, Mar. 9, 2020

  3. The video is what got me. The man has absolutely no compassion. He’s so self-absorbed he turned an event that could have made a difference for people’s lives into an ego stroke for himself. GTFOH

  4. Btw, they’re saying 45 might have come in contact with the virus himself while shaking hands with the CDC director who tested positive. Wouldn’t that be a turn of events?

    1. “Wouldn’t that be a turn of events?”

      Yes it would. That’s why he’s refusing (thus far) to get tested. Afraid of the results.

      1. I did not hear about this. Has Trump refused to get tested? No matter though because even if he was positive he would not tell anybody. But Saleem is right that would be a crazy turn of events.

        1. ‘No coronavirus test for Trump after Air Force One trip with exposed congressman’

          President Trump was not tested for the coronavirus after shaking hands and flying on Air Force One with Republican congressmen exposed to Covid-19.

          White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham says testing was not necessary because Trump is not showing symptoms and the lawmakers aren’t confirmed to be infected. […] – New York Post, Mar. 9, 2020

          He hasn’t been tested yet because he doesn’t want to be tested.

  5. The political fallout against Donald Trump could be great with this virus. If the economy continues tanking that alone could take him down in November.

    1. “If the economy continues tanking that alone could take him down in November.”

      That…..and the loss of lives especially among the older white population of people who voted for him.

  6. LA Times:
    As a cruise ship with nearly 3,000 stranded travelers prepares to dock Monday in the Port of Oakland, top health officials warned that the country has entered a new stage in dealing with the deadly coronavirus — one in which containment is no longer possible.

    “We’re past the point of containment,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration during the first two years of President Trump’s administration, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

    “We have to implement broad mitigation strategies. The next two weeks are really going to change the complexion in this country. We’ll get through this, but it’s going to be a hard period. We’re looking at two months, probably, of difficulty,” Gottlieb said.

    U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said that shifting to a mitigation phase means that communities will see more cases and need to start thinking about whether it makes sense to cancel large gatherings, close schools and make it more feasible for employees to work from home.

  7. NBC:
    HOUSTON — Dr. Peter Hotez says he made the pitch to anyone who would listen. After years of research, his team of scientists in Texas had helped develop a vaccine to protect against a deadly strain of coronavirus. Now they needed money to begin testing it in humans.

    But this was 2016. More than a decade had passed since the viral disease known as severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, had spread through China, killing more than 770 people. That disease, an earlier coronavirus similar to the one now sweeping the globe, was a distant memory by the time Hotez and his team sought funding to test whether their vaccine would work in humans.

    “We tried like heck to see if we could get investors or grants to move this into the clinic,” said Hotez, co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. “But we just could not generate much interest.”

  8. This fool is botching up this whole thing perfectly. Muller could not bring him down, impeachment could not bring him down, but this is the thing that is going to turn a lot of people against Trump and bring him down for good. I hear some of his supporters are even starting to look at him side eyed over all this.

    1. “I hear some of his supporters are even starting to look at him side eyed over all this.”

      Yep. I’ve checked out a few right-wing (Trump-friendly) sites throughout the day and there’s definitely signs that a “turning away from Trump” may be happening among some of his supporters. But here’s the deal BD- We must Not give Any of those hateful and gullible fools a pass.

      Every one of them knew darn well who-and what-they were voting for when they supported that ignorant, incompetent and corrupt creature. And every one of them should be forced to bear the burden of that grotesque-behaving beast all the days of the rest of their miserable lives.

  9. Btw- I just caught the tail-end of an interview on MSNBC (online) of a “Trump voter” who seeks to make amends by voting for Biden.

  10. I’m watching a few news channels right now and this is getting bad. Trump is in way over his head and does not know how to handle this right at all. He already fired and shut down the department that handles infection disease because it was Obama’s idea. And now the people he put in charge of the other agencies are even worse than him. It is like the blind leading the blind. China and these other countries are giving ten thousand tests a day but we only gave five thousand total. This disease is more widespread than we know and there is no way to stop it now. The time to stop it already passed and Trump was sleep at the wheel then.

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