
Trump Fool, JFK Jr., And The ‘My Pillow Guy’

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Have you heard the latest conspiracy theory from a deranged Donald Trump fool?

Politics :
According to an unnamed man attending a recent Donald Trump political rally, he is convinced that Mike Lindell — whom we all know as the former drug addict and almost bankrupt (again) ‘My Pillow Guy’ — is actually John F. Kennedy, Jr. in disguise.

When asked why JFK Jr. (who died in an airplane crash in 1999) would fake his own death just to covertly reappear as a pillow salesman, the man said he believes the late Kennedy is part of the secret movement to take down the deep state and anoint Donald Trump as America’s permanent leader.

Trump Fool

“People had to play certain roles to get the truth out,” the man said with conviction. “Who is Mike Lindell? Who is, is John John still alive? We’re going to find out the truth,” he added.

Watch the clinically insane report from the Trumpie (who, shockingly, gets to vote) in the video below.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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He’s mental to believe that.


Don’t know how I missed responding to this post on Friday but I sure missed it!?! 🤔

To expound on Wil’s response a littl – clearly this fella is mental. And there was a time when people like him were more often than not receiving some form of psychiatric treatment, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. They were also kept on the fringes of society.

Now, to the shame and total disgrace of Our country, mainstream news media seeks him out and other mentally ill persons for mainstream amusement and exploitation!

Last edited 10 months ago by Truthiz1
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