Americans from coast to coast are understandably pissed and up in arms now that the Republican-led Senate refused to call a single witness and basically handed Donald Trump an impeachment “get-out-of-jail-free” card. However, do not fret, folks. Here’s why no witnesses is a good thing.
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Imagine, if you will, a theft occurring inside a company during business hours. Next, imagine several employees being eyewitnesses to the crime and making it known publicly that they’re each willing to testify against the sole suspect. Now, imagine the judge telling the eyewitnesses “NO THANK YOU! We don’t want to hear anything you have to say. The jury, the defendant, and I are working hand in glove. We already decided the outcome long ago and we will speed through this trial to an early acquittal.”
Crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what just happened with the Republican “jurors” in the Trump impeachment trial. Except, despite the doom and gloom much of the country felt when the GOP blatantly refused to hear a single syllable of evidence (which, incidentally, is the first time in US history no witnesses were called during an impeachment trial), this is actually a good thing. For you see, here’s why the eventual outcome of no witnesses is a good thing.

Senate Republicans could have called witnesses then still voted not to remove Donald Trump from office. By doing so, they would have won the argument that they conducted a fair and legitimate trial, that they bent to Democratic whims to call witnesses, that they heard all the available evidence, and that they STILL did not believe any of Trump’s actions rose to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors — or, the removal from office.
However, by not hearing from a single witness, Republicans have now angered 75% of the country who made it known during a recent poll that they wanted witnesses and they wanted all the facts. They’ve also given a bunch of angry American voters the emotional incentive to take out their “death of democracy” frustrations at the ballot box. So, instead of Trump going down alone for his crimes, ‘The Donald’ and his entire Republican Party can go down in flames together.
Here’s where it gets even more interesting.
“They can keep digging into Trump from next week through fall, keeping public attention not only on his corruption and abuse of power but also on the Republican conviction that abuse of power is permissible. If impeachment is about exacting a price for Trump’s misconduct, perhaps the highest price will come by letting his enablers reveal exactly how far they are willing to go.” – Jonathan Chait, The Intelligencer
Republicans have refused to hear from credible witnesses and have scheduled Wednesday as the day they will formally acquit Donald Trump and allow him to continue in office. Except, his State Of The Union Address is scheduled for Tuesday, which means ‘The Donald’ will not be able to brag on national television that he was found innocent during his impeachment trial. That official vote won’t happen for another 24 hours.
The delicious tidbits of information former NSA John Bolton was itching to tell the Senate will now be made public via the February release of his book — followed by months of television interviews and intel the Senate could have heard once and squashed, but didn’t. So, instead of the American public hearing it once then forgetting about it over the summer, Democrats and the media will be able to replay the Bolton evidence on permanent repeat every week until the election.
Late last week, Giuliani henchman Lev Parnas went public with the news that we ain’t “heard nothing yet” regarding all the underhanded dealings Trump and his cronies have conducted. Well, we’re about to hear it now.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats still run the US House of Representatives. So, expect them to investigate Trump from now until election day and attempt to call various witnesses before House committees that the Senate refused to hear. They also hold the power to impeach Trump again and again for additional crimes as they come to public light.
The remaining Democratic presidential candidates and the eventual nominee will have this sham of a trial and the fake oaths from the crooked Republican Senate “jurors” — who bragged about being partial and having already made up their minds BEFORE the trial — to take with them into the 2020 presidential election. Using it as a political ploy against the GOP come election time will be a feather in the cap for Democrats.

Also, now that the entire US of A has seen first hand that the Republican Party doesn’t give a fig about democracy or the constitution and would rather allow a crazed dictator in The White House to act as if he were King and the ruler of a monarchy, the entire lot of them are poised to pay a hefty political price.
Additionally, Democrats now have an extremely passionate issue to push more people to register to vote. Now, Democrats have a hot-button topic that has the ability to end complacency and drive Democratic (and independent) voters to the polls this year in record numbers. Now, instead of only getting rid of Donald Trump via impeachment, voters have the impassioned motivation to run ‘The Donald’ AND all of the crooked Republicans who coddled and protected him out of Washington for good in the very next election.
The moment Republicans decided not to call witnesses, not to honor their oaths or the constitution, and to not at least appear fair by hearing all of the evidence is the moment Republicans shot themselves in the foot for all eternity. If they were smart they would have realized that calling witnesses could have still ended with the same acquittal they always wanted — but they were dumb and apparently never once considered the perception and its consequences. Now, it will end with Republicans in an even deeper hole they’ve dug for themselves. That’s why no witnesses is a good thing.
So, no one should think for a moment that this is all over. On the contrary. In fact, the fun is only just beginning.
DJ, if the Dems were smart they would play this whole thing out just as you laid it out. IF they were smart.
But theremin lies the problem. Collectively, the Dems AREN’T a very smart bunch. And individually, most Dems are so easily intimidated it’s embarrassing. Nancy Pelosi is smart, confident and competent. And she’s still the only one on Capitol Hill that I trust to do anything and get anything (that truly matters) done in a smart and competent manner.
So just how angry are the majority of American voters about the Repubs giving *the finger* to the Constitution and voting to have “No witnesses” during Trump’s impeachment trial?
Angry enough to vote that dangerous idiot Out of office in November?
Right now I have my doubts but….We shall see.
Nancy Pelosi is running the house so I’m confident she might already have a lot of these plans in place. Remember, she took a while after the house voted to impeach before she sent over to the senate. I’m guessing she was strategizing then. She hasn’t let me down yet so we’ll see like you said.
Meanwhile, the world’s most powerful and corrupt IDIOT can’t even get THIS right…
Trump Congratulates Wrong State in Super Bowl Victory Tweet
[On the heels of the Kansas City Chiefs’ 31-20 Super Bowl victory over the San Francisco 49ers, Trump tweeted his congratulations to the Chiefs for a “fantastic comeback.” He added: “You represented the Great State of Kansas and, in fact, the entire USA, so well. Our Country is PROUD OF YOU!”
Plenty of people in Kansas are indeed Chiefs fans. But just as many and likely more are in Missouri. Just ask the season-ticket holders at Missouri-based Arrowhead Stadium. Or the thousands cheering Sunday night in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Although the Missouri-Kansas state line divides metropolitan Kansas City, the team itself is based on the Missouri side.
The president’s tweet was quickly deleted and later replaced with a new message: “We are proud of you and the Great State of Missouri. You are true Champions!” ] – Haaretz, Politico, et al
This is a real interesting way to look at things. I never thought about it this way before. I just hope it all plays the way you laid everything out. If so this could be a big win all the way around.