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Trump Junior Racist Attack On Michelle Obama

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While most of the country was busy enjoying the Super Bowl last Sunday, Donald Trump Junior was busy attacking Michelle Obama.

Racism :
Democrats as well as social media users everywhere are going berserk after Trump Jr. launched a drive-by sneak attack against former First Lady Michelle Obama. His verbal assault not only lacked taste and decorum but was par for the course for bigots and certain members of the MAGA movement who fear she just might throw her hat into the 2024 election.

Trump Junior

According to HuffPost, Trump Jr. took to Instagram to compare Mrs. Obama to former Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Levon Kirkland. He included the caption: “I found this rare Michelle Obama rookie card. Just a little Super Bowl nostalgia. LOL 😝.”

Of course, Mrs. Obama is not a male, not a football player, and not a linebacker. Still, that didn’t stop the juvenile Trump from staging his unprovoked attack.

Almost immediately, critics took to social media to slam Trump Junior for being “racist,” “misogynistic,” and not even the least bit funny.





“The trope about Obama is “huge” among QAnon circles,” conspiracy theory expert Mike Rothschild posted on Twitter.

If anyone is wondering why Michelle Obama hates politics and never wants to be president, consider this Exhibit 1. Additionally, it almost goes without saying that Trump Junior knew what he was doing in attempting to dissuade Mrs. Obama from being drafted by the Democrats to run against his father in November.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Nothing and No one strikes sheer panic and Fear in the dark hearts and fevered minds of the Trump Klan and his minions like Barack and Michelle Obama, Especially Michelle!

    Why? Because Trumpers know she’s a highly intelligent, highly confident, Strong, take-No-prisoner, Black (not African-American) Woman who’s from the Southside of Chicago and NOT the least bit afraid of them!

  2. In other words She’s their worst nightmare if Biden decides to step aside and she decides to run!

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