Comments on: Trump-Kim Summit Is Doomed To Fail! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 10 Jun 2018 17:59:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Mon, 04 Jun 2018 16:19:05 +0000 USA Today:
With the upcoming North Korean summit, Donald Trump should remember the reason past presidents never sat down to talk with a North Korean despot.

Attention President Trump: Beware of adversaries with a very long memory and a multigenerational plan. You could be sucked into playing a decidedly deadly game of around-the-nuclear-mulberry bush yet again.

The image of a beaming U.S. president standing in the Oval Office next to a smiling North Korean emissary and brutal spy chief should have been enough to give some pause. But of even greater concern as you head for the summit in Singapore that you re-announced on Friday should be the reasons such a meeting has never been held. And trust me, it has not been for lack of trying.

Four U.S. presidents have been down this same path, playing this same escalating cat-and-mouse game with three North Korean dictators. None has come as close to a summit as Trump has. But most have questioned whether they want to give their dictatorial homologue the bragging rights of standing on an equal footing with them while maintaining the desire and now the capacity to build a deliverable nuclear weapon.

President Trump should consider this history before he steps off Air Force One in Singapore on June 12.

By: Mr.BD Mon, 04 Jun 2018 15:54:18 +0000 This whole thing is a joke and a big waste of time and everybody in the world but Trump knows it. Trump is so full of himself he thinks he can walk in a room and punk Kim Jong un into doing whatever he says do. But what he doesn’t realize is he is the one about to get punked. Kim is not about to give up all his weapons just because Trump told him. There is just no way. Like the CNN article said Trump is so busy trying to one up Obama he can’t see he is being played a total fool. I can’t wait for this clown to fall flat on his face and have nothing to show for it trying to play like he is a leader on the world stage.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 04 Jun 2018 13:57:19 +0000 On a related note which, Americans who actually love this country, should recognize is this………

With every PR stunt (like this summit), and an endless pattern of lies and serious missteps by Trump and his administration, the True limits of America’s power and influence on the world has really been Exposed. Some would argues that that’s a good thing.

But we shouldn’t kid ourselves -a lot of the damage being done is being carried out in such a manner that even The Constitution of the United States and our most valued institutions and our belie of being governed by the “The Rule of Law’ are being cynically and cravenly challenged in ways that puts all of that at great risk of resulting in irreparably damaged.

ALL of that (and more) is being sacrificed for the sake of one man who doesn’t give a flying fig about anything for anyone but himself. That dangerous dark-hearted fool is being supported-protected by:

1. a Republican party that no longer exist. It’s now the Trump party and they will gleefully follow him off a cliff and pull this country down with them. SEE: *John Boehner’s latest comments.

2. a Democrat party that is too weak and too complicit to stand and fight for any “just” cause.

*Boehner: ‘There is no Republican Party,’ only a ‘Trump Party’ -CNN, WashPost, HuffPost

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 04 Jun 2018 13:05:51 +0000 DJ, I’m glad that you’re still covering this topic because I find it quite fascinating how Kim has brilliantly played this whole thing out. Clearly he’s running *Game* on Trump who, along with his equally fake-alpha cohorts, thought they could bully Kim into submission -total denuclearization of NK. The rest of Us knew THAT was “NEVA” gonna happen.

So I’ll start with the question: “Will the on again/off again Trump-Kim Summit be a huge waste of time?”

My response: IF the meeting actually takes place then will be a huge waste of time (and U.S. taxpayer $$ too, I might add) for Trump. Of course, Donald will try his d*mndest to spin it as “a major success” because babble…babble…lies and babble. When most likely nothing of actual substance will have been achieved when all is said and done at the summit.

However, for Kim Jong-Un the global spectacle will be a boon precisely the reasons DJ laid out in his post:

“Kim merely wants a photo-op with Donald Trump to use as propaganda and to make himself appear relevant on the world stage. He’s also looking for a free “vacation” since he’s already informed the US they will need to pay the Singapore hotel bill for him and his entire delegation.”

Oh and keep in mind- the U.S. news media has a ve$ted interest in hyping this this PR spectacle as something they all know that it is not. But hey it’s about the bottom line. Ratings = SSS
