
Trump Lawsuit Filed To Halt January 6 Inquiry

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A new Trump lawsuit has been filed by Donald and his MAGA minions in an effort to halt a congressional investigation into the events of January 6th and to hide Trump’s involvement.

According to USA Today, the Trump lawsuit was filed on Trump’s behalf by Jesse Binnall, a self-described “MAGA lawyer” from Virginia who was previously involved in failed voter fraud challenges following the 2020 presidential election. The lawsuit states that Donald Trump is suing the House select committee investigating the January 6th Capitol Hill attacks and attempting to block the disclosure of White House documents during his tenure because he believes the panel’s demands are a “vexatious, illegal fishing expedition.”

Trump Lawsuit

Trump previously petitioned President Biden to assert his presidential privilege and halt the investigation into the MAGA riot.  After Mr. Biden (almost assuredly) stopped laughing at the request, he delivered a profound NO! to the plea, prompting the eternally-litigious Trump to take his fight to the courtroom.

“This self-described ‘sweeping’ request is almost limitless in scope and effectively seeks every presidential record and communication that could tenuously relate to events that occurred on January 6, 2021,” the lawsuit states. “Our laws do not permit such an impulsive, egregious action against a former President and his close advisors,” it continued.

The Trump lawsuit has made it crystal clear that ‘The Donald’ is desperate to hide details regarding his involvement in the Capitol attacks.  It’s also become a laughing-stock among legal circles.

National security attorney Bradley P. Moss called the lawsuit “a third-rate legal document unworthy of the first-rate constitutional questions it purports to address.”

“These are serious legal matters and this lawsuit is little more than a political screed designed for fundraising purposes,” Moss said.

Barbara McQuade, a law professor at the University of Michigan and a former federal prosecutor, called the lawsuit “a stall tactic” that will only delay the inevitable.

“He may get a judge to consider his overbreadth argument and require the committee to narrow its request, but Congress has the power to subpoena these records,” McQuade said.

McQuade added that “Trump’s executive privilege fails because the sitting president may waive it when a compelling national interest outweighs the privilege, as President Biden has done here.”

Still, Donald Trump remains undeterred.

Trump Lawsuit

On Tuesday, Trump claimed that “former Presidents have inherent constitutional rights of privilege.” Or, in other words, he is under the misguided impression that whatever executive actions he enacted while in office MUST be upheld by President Biden and anyone else who follows.

Keep dreaming, Donny!

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump lawsuit seeks to halt January 6th inquiry.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Trump is such a clown nothing he says or does surprises me anymore. Asking Biden to keep his executive act is real funny though.

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