
Trump National G7 Meeting Is A No-Go

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It’s ‘Mar A NO GO’ for the G7 meeting Donald Trump pined to host next year at the Trump National Resort in Doral, Florida.

Seizing on an opportunity to show off his fancy Florida digs to world leaders while turning a profit in hotel, food, and banquet costs for himself via the Trump hotels (which he claimed he no longer controls now that he’s in The White House) originally seemed like a brilliant idea to ‘The Donald.’  Then, reality set in — along with a sea of Democratic and Republican lawmakers who came out adamantly against allowing the annual G7 meeting to become a side-show/for-profit venture for Trump National.

Trump National

Needless to say, ‘The Donald’ was not at all happy to announce that he will not make money off of get to host the global event.

“We will no longer consider Trump National Doral, Miami, as the Host Site for the G-7 in 2020. We will begin the search for another site, including the possibility of Camp David, immediately,” Trump tweeted over the weekend.  He then immediately played the victim card and predictably made it all about himself.

Trump called the criticism he faced  “Irrational Hostility,” then wrote, “I thought I was doing something very good for our Country by using Trump National Doral, in Miami, for hosting the G-7 Leaders.”

Oh, boo hoo!

Trump attempted to argue that the event would be run “at cost” and without profit, so as to avoid a blatant violation of the emoluments clause of the US Constitution — which he called “phony” and which very clearly prohibits a president from accepting gifts and money from foreign governments. However, there was no clear way to even partially spin the notion that Trump would not benefit financially from world leaders and their teams spending money while staying at Trump National Doral.

Trump National

When Trump announced his bright idea to host the G7, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that holding the summit at a Trump property was “completely out of the question.”

She was not alone in her sentiments.

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois said he was “not happy about it.”  He added: “I read the emoluments clause again yesterday, and it talks about titles and nobility and all this. I don’t know if it’s a direct violation, but I don’t understand why at this moment they had to do it.”

Noah Bookbinder, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, also weighed in and called Trump’s forced decision to cancel “a bow to reality.”

“President Trump’s decision to award the G-7 Conference to his own property was outrageous, corrupt and a constitutional violation. It was stunningly corrupt even for a stunningly corrupt administration,” Bookbinder said in a statement. “His reversal of that decision is a bow to reality, but does not change how astonishing it was that a president ever thought this was appropriate, or that it was something he could get away with.”


OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
G7 at Trump National Doral is a no-go!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Well…the man truly IS corrupt to his core. So with it being reported that income from his Doral Resort, in particular, has dropped by 69% in 2 years, we probably could have predicted he’d try to pull some isht like this.

[Trump’s prized Doral Miami resort has gone into a steep decline, with its net operating income falling by 69 percent in two years, The Washington Post reports. The Doral was listed in the president’s federal disclosures as his biggest-earning hotel, but room rates, banquets, golf and overall revenue have all taken hits since 2015, when he declared himself a candidate for president.] – The Daily Beast


I hope everybody watches that video from Anderson Cooper. See Trump thought he was slick talking about how he was going to give his hotel for free to avoid the phony emoluments. But like Anderson Cooper said how can ‘he’ give away a free hotel to hundreds of people if he has nothing more to do with his business and does not even talk to his sons about it? This clown keeps getting himself in trouble because he talks too much without thinking. I cannot wait for all his corruptness to come back on him. That is going to be a great day when they finally get him and bring him down.


You have to see CNN explain the emoluments clause to Trump on air. Too funny.


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