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TRUMP: Obama Birth Certificate Missing

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It’s usually fun when the circus comes to town.  But when the head clown turns into a creepy nuisance, that’s when it’s no longer just fun and games.

Such is the case with Donald Trump, the billionaire clown investor who suddenly fancies himself as a viable contender for President of the United States.  But Trump also fancies himself as a master sleuth, who now claims he has cracked the case of the Obama birth certificate.  And according to Trump — it’s missing!

The State of Hawaii keeps all of its birth certificates inside a vault that is not open to the public, although various Democratic and Republican state officials have said a million times they’ve seen the actual certificate with their own eyes and can assure Mr. Obama is indeed a U.S. born citizen.  But that wasn’t good enough for Trump, who claims he sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to research the birth certificate and verify if Mr. Obama is indeed eligible to be Commander-in-Chief. Now Trump claims he has made an amazing discovery.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Trump said “Well I’ve been told very recently, Anderson, that the birth certificate is missing.  I’ve been told that it’s not there or it doesn’t exist. And if that’s the case it’s a big problem.  

When asked where he was getting the information he says he “heard,” Trump refused to confirm any legitimate source behind the allegations, but instead repeated, “I’ve been told the birth certificate is missing.” Trump has also started a new sideshow, claiming he also “heard” that President Obama was a poor student who should have never been a student at Columbia or Harvard.  When asked where he was getting the information that he “heard,” Trump could provide no solid proof.  But he said he will certainly be “looking into it.”  Hmmm…

Many in the media are beginning to wise up to Trump’s one-man promotion machine, recognizing that all this “birther-buzz” is likely meant to drum up ratings for his NBC television show “The Apprentice.”  But Republicans are growing especially weary of Trump’s circus act, saying it’s watering down the party message and not helping them woo Independent voters who think the whole birther buzz is a bunch of baloney!




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. At this point…given all the garbage and outright LIES spewing forth from his mouth…I say the man isn't even fit to be President of the local PTA, let alone President of the U.S.In addition to wanting to drum up ratings for his show, to me, Trump looks more and more like a man who can NO Peace within himself so he's now taken to being the "Master" of his own very ugly 3-Ring "circus."  In short: He's a very rich but very miserable and destructive man. On a related note: I'm not sure what's gotten into Gov. Brewer lately but she APPEARS to have reached her limit, at least FOR NOW, for SOME right-wing foolishness and I, for one, would like to compliment her!HuffPost: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says the so-called "birther" issue is a potentially destructive issue for the country.PHOENIX (AP) — Brewer was interviewed on CNN on Monday about her decision a week ago to veto an Arizona bill that would have required President Barack Obama and other presidential candidates to prove their natural-born citizenship.Brewer reiterated her veto explanation that the bill was poorly drafted. She also said she believes there's no question that it was directed at Obama though it's clear he was born in Hawaii.She told CNN interviewer John King that the birther issue is leading the nation "down a path of destruction." […]CNN video:…   

  2. They were talking about this on CNN last night. They said Republicans are trying to down play the birthers now because it's only a Republican issue. The Repubs are already gonna vote against Obama so keeping talking about this is not helping their cause. I don't trust Jan Brewer so she's not having a change of heart.

  3. I hear you BD, on Jan Brewer, and I'm with you on NOT trust her.Notice I said: …she *APPEARS* to have reached her limit, AT LEAST FOR NOW, for SOME right-wing foolishness…[…] I was simply pointing out the fact, that, for whatever her reason, she's taking a very Public stand AGAINST the "Birtherism" issue. That's at least more than most Republican leaders have had the guts to do.

  4. if republicans thought they could beat obama, they would be talking about something besides birth certificates. they already know this is a lost cause.

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