Current Events

Trump Parade A Waste Of Time And Money

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STOP THE PRESSES.  Democrats and Republicans in Washington have come to a unanimous conclusion:  the idea of a ‘Trump Parade’ is not only a colossal waste of time and money, but egotistical and terrifically stupid!

Current Events
In case you’re unaware, Donald Trump saw a military parade in France last year, so now he wants one too.  Seeing tanks and soldiers flaunted in front of French President Emmanuel Macron left Trump “awestruck” and longing to have his ego stroked by a show of military might fit for a King.  So now, he wants a Trump Parade all his own.

“It was one of the greatest parades I’ve ever seen,” Trump said last September. “It was two hours on the button, and it was military might, and I think a tremendous thing for France and for the spirit of France.”

“We’re going to have to try to top it,” he added.

Trump Parade

Yes, “The Donald” is pining for a Trump Parade.  However, not everyone shares his desire to see armored tanks, amphibious assault vehicles, and rocket launchers marched down Pennsylvania Avenue solely to stroke his ego.  In fact, members of Congress from both parties, retired military leaders, active service personnel, as well as military veterans have all poo-poo’ed Trump’s push to parade soldiers and weaponry down the streets of the nation’s capital for his own glorification.  To them, it would be a waste of time and money that would break with democratic traditions.

“I think confidence is silent and insecurity is loud,” Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana said.  “America is the most powerful country in all of human history; you don’t need to show it off.”

Former Republican Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois also publicly denounced the idea, tweeting: “Obama wasn’t a King. Trump isn’t a King either. My side needs to quit treating him like one. We don’t elect Kings in this country, remember? No military parade.”

Current Events
Additionally, Democrats took their turn warning that a Trump Parade would be an insult to American principles.

Trump Parade
Defense Secy. James Mattis

In a collective rebuke of the idea, Sens. Dick Durbin of Illinois, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, Gary Peters of Michigan and Patrick Leahy of Vermont called such a parade “inappropriate and wasteful.”

“Every penny of the millions of dollars that the parade would cost and every second of the tens of thousands of personnel hours its execution would require should be devoted to the most essential missions of the Department of Defense — protecting the American people and our security interests.”

Democratic Reps. Ruben Gallego of Arizona and Ted Lieu of California, each military veterans, wrote Defense Secretary James Mattis a letter arguing that just “because authoritarian regimes like Russia and North Korea hold massive military parades does not mean that we must as well.”

Rep. Adam Smith of Washington, the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, also voiced disapproval.

“A military parade of this kind would also be a departure from the values of our constitutional democracy,” he said. “We are a nation of laws, not of one person. In the past, we have held military parades to celebrate major national events such as the Gulf War or the end of World War II, as achievements by the American people who fought in and supported those efforts. A military parade like this — one that is unduly focused on a single person — is what authoritarian regimes do, not democracies.”

Retired Navy Adm. James Stavridis similarly called on Trump to squash his plans.

“Let’s leave the missiles in the silos where they belong, and be quietly confident in the lethality, professionalism, and integrity of our military — no parade necessary,” he said.

Trump ParadeHowever, despite such widespread disdain for the idea, “King Donald” is hell-bent on being heralded by a Trump Parade, even if it means using his (so-called) title as Commander-In-Chief to get his way.

On Wednesday, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis acknowledged that the Pentagon has received its marching orders and is already “putting together some options” for a Trump Parade.  Pentagon spokesman Charlie Summers also chimed in, saying “We are aware of the request and are looking at possible dates.”

In case you’re wondering, a Trump Parade would require thousands of troops to be drilled and prepped for the event beforehand.  They would then need to bring in Humvees, tanks, missile batteries, aircraft, and other equipment in order to represent the various branches of the military.

The parade would also take troops away from their families and various official duties — but so what.  For as long as Trump gets what he wants, who cares if he unnecessarily spends a few million dollars of taxpayer money and inconveniences a few thousand men and women of the US Military?  “The Donald” just needs to be happy.


OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Trump wants an ego-boosting Trump Parade.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. So um…a 5X Vietnam DRAFT-DODGING, insecure, narcissist, trying desperately to pass himself off as some kind of a real Alpha-male wants a military parade of his own right?

    Yeah. Okay…lol and smh (in total disgust)

  2. Somebody tell Trump he is not a king and this is not a dictatorship. Leave the parades for North Korea.

  3. “Parade of Defeat: Trump Prefers Spectacle Over Strategy”

    With the U.S. military stuck in countless indecisive wars, what exactly are we celebrating?

    So as we awaken to news that President Trump ordered the Pentagon to plan for a massive military parade, one cannot help but wonder what it is we’re celebrating. Nearly 17 years of indecisive quagmire? Hardly. Make no mistake, this is not about the soldiers or the vets. Trump, following the lead of his predecessors, has turned the petty political appropriation of the troops into an art form. Soldiers are a pawn in the game, a very old game, in which the hawkish interventionists inspire the base and depict the opposition as dovish traitors. This is distraction, meant to disguise what amounts to paltry policy in foreign affairs; it’s spectacle not strategy. In truth, our soldiers languish in indecisive operations across the Middle East and North Africa—a human “sunk cost“ dilemma.

    Still, were we to pretend that this parade is meant to celebrate military accomplishment, it’s worth asking: how are our wars doing? The short answer: not so well. But wait, someone will inevitably protest, hasn’t the U.S. military “beaten” the Islamic State? Yes and no, actually. ISIS ideology remains strong and what now amounts to an indefinite U.S. presence in Syria just might kick off a new insurgency. What’s more, America’s ostensible ally, Turkey, is attacking U.S.-partnered Kurdish militias. There’s no exit strategy, folks, once again. That’s the Syria trap. Scarier still, the fight with ISIS is actually the good news. […]

    Major Danny Sjursen, TAC writer, U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point who served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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