
Trump Party: Is ‘Donald’ Creating A Shadow GOP?

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Now that Donald Trump has bullied the once-grand ol’ Republican Party into fear and submission, is he establishing the ‘Trump Party’ as somewhat of a shadow GOP?

Although the Republican Party may have been a bit too conservative for some, it did at least stand for something once upon a time.  Nowadays, it only stands for whatever Donald Trump stands for — and that can change with the wind based on Trump’s whims and ego on any given day.  However, even that doesn’t seem to be enough for the maniacal Trump.

Trump Party

That’s why Trump and his cohorts have begun creating a series of political, legal, and policy groups designed to run parallel to the structure of the national GOP and hand ‘The Donald’ his own veritable Trump Party.

The crown jewel of the growing Trump Party is Trump’s Save America Super PAC, which has raised a whopping $85 million for ‘The Donald’ to use as he pleases.  Interestingly, the Republican National Committee has only $84 million on hand for their political use.

“I stand before you this evening filled with confidence that in 2022, we are going to take back the House and we are going to reclaim the Senate,” Trump told RNC donors last week in Florida.  “And then in 2024, a Republican candidate is going to win the White House.”

So, what exactly is Trump’s game here?

When Donald Trump left Washington on January 20th, then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republican Party leaders breathed a sigh of relief that they were done covering for Trump and being forced to do his bidding.  Their belief (and desire) was that the moment Trump stepped on the plane headed for private life in Florida is the moment they were able to successfully wash their hands of him and take back their GOP.

Oh, how gullible!

Trump Party

Donald Trump is a Hitler-like sadist and masochist who is hell-bent on world domination for his own egotistical gratification.  He wants complete control.  So, instead of engaging in a war of the minds with Mitch McConnell over the soul of the GOP, he’s simply replicating his own version of the GOP.

By creating a ‘Trump Party’ similar to the Republican Party and siphoning off party supporters into his own political cult, Donald Trump will have the complete control he so desperately craves.

He will be a dictator and not forced to be a “team player” for the sake of the GOP.  If anyone crosses him or doesn’t do exactly as he says, he will have the power, the money, and the supporters to destroy them politically.

Trump is out to get Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah, as well as Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming for their positions during his impeachment trial.  He has also placed a target on the back of Republican Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia for not “fixing” the 2020 presidential election in his favor.

Trump Party

By establishing his own pretend Trump Party as a shadow GOP, Trump will be able to settle personal scores against Republicans who dare to go against his mob boss tactics and serve as a kingmaker for those willing to kowtow to his greatness.

None of these actions would ever be allowed inside the confines of the Republican National Committee and may run afoul of US election laws (if he ever attempted to establish an actual party).  However, if there’s one thing Donald Trump is good at, it’s at being a snake.  Watch as he slithers his way into a dangerous Hitler-like power of authority in American politics until someone (or some ONE’S) take him down for good.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump Party will be a shadow GOP.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. By establishing his own pretend Trump Party as a shadow GOP, Trump will be able to settle personal scores against Republicans who dare to go against his mob boss tactics and serve as a kingmaker for those willing to kowtow to his greatness. […]-DJ

    You got that right DJ. Your entire post is spot on.

    The only thing I would really emphasize is Trump’s NEED for money. Lots and lots of money. The guy AIN’T nearly as rich as he had many people thinking he was prior to recent financial revelations.

    1. You are right Truth. His broke self needs money to keep going. He already got his dumb followers to give him $85 million dollars and you know he is using that to pay bills. I want the NY case to hurry up so they can put this fool behind bars for the rest of his life. I am tired of having to think about him.

  2. Repubs should have took care of Trump when they had the chance. It is too late now because he is the king of white power. DJ mention Hitler and that is a good comparison. Just like it happened with Hitler it is going to take Repubs and Dems coming together to take Trump down before he destroys America.

    1. He’s the Frankenstein they created BD but he’s eating them alive now. Establishment Repubs are in a full-blown panic watching their party being destroyed piece by piece.

      But rank and file Trump supporters couldn’t be more “Okay” with Trump’s actions. He’s their make-believe “protector” and “Fuhrer.” When in actuality he’s scared shitless of everything and everybody and so too are most of his followers.

      I’ve heard it said “Authoritarianism is the refuge of the fearful” …AND weak.

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