George Zimmerman and his attorney spent a lot of time and energy getting him released from jail on bond. But can George Zimmerman ever really be free?
Until late Sunday night, Zimmerman was in jail and under protective custody. But once he was released on bond, all bets were off and his safety fell into immediate and permanent danger. Zimmerman wore a bullet proof vest as he was escorted from his jail cell to a waiting car. Police officials blocked off streets and concocted zig-zag travel routes to assure that Zimmerman would not be followed. His attorney even arranged for multiple locations for Zimmerman to hide out in, with the intention of frequently moving him between locations under cover of night so as to assure his safety. But now that Zimmerman is free, he will never be able to walk the streets with his wife again. He will never be able to dine out or take in a movie or enjoy a vacation again. He is now known internationally and for all the wrong reasons. Once he pulled the trigger that took the life of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, he assured that his life will never be the same again. But now that he has been released, is this freedom or merely another form of jail?
The New Black Panther Party made it public knowledge that George Zimmerman is a wanted man. Although they offered a $10,000 cash reward for the safe capture of Zimmerman ALIVE, it is common knowledge that there are many factions out there who believe in “an eye for an eye” justice and would like to see Zimmerman or a member of his family dead and buried, just as Trayvon Martin is.
Granted, 2 wrongs don’t make 1 right, but that is the reality of Zimmerman’s life now. His release from one jail appears to be the immediate transference into yet another jail — the imprisonment that is now his own life.
Many in prison want him dead. Many outside of prison want him dead. So basically, George Zimmerman is a dead man walking. Regrettably, at the young age of 28 he cannot hide forever. So in truth, just how long does George Zimmerman have before fate catches up to him?
I do worry that it's just a matter of Time before someone (in particular, someone Black) attempts to take Zimmerman's life. Worse, they may succeed. Some people don't have a problem with that. I think, however, it would be a Tragedy on top of a Tragedy and perhaps even set this country back, in terms of race-relations, 100 yrs.One thing is certain for Zimmerman. As expressed by DJ: "Once he pulled the trigger that took the life of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, he assured that his life will never be the same again."