
Trump Rally Uncensored: Racism, Violence, Vulgarity

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Trump Rally: Uncensored


Politics –
Trump Rally Uncensored:
Racism, Violence, Vulgarity




Trump rally HEIL
Trump supporter gives “Heil Trump” sign

“Sieg heil!”

“Fuck you, Hillary!”

“Hang the bitch!”

“Kill her!”

“Trump the bitch!”

“Get out of here, you fag!”

“Fuck that nigger!”

“Hillary Clinton needs to get her ass spanked!”

“Ignorance and immigrants. They mix together!”

“Fuck those dirty beaners!”

“Hillary is a whore!”

These are just a few of the comments frequently heard at the traditional Trump rally over the past several months. The New York Times went undercover from Trump rally to rally, compiling clips of what they saw and heard. This video is the end result of their discovery.

Granted, the video is clearly disturbing — and we apologize for the graphic nature of the language that was used. However, it was more important 24 hours before the presidential election to fully display the disturbing culture Donald Trump has created, nurtured, and even encouraged at his rallies.  Is this the type of man who should be elected President of the United States?



Some have made excuses for the minions who attend a standard Donald Trump rally. They’ve hypothesized that these supporters are motivated by economic concerns and not racism. However, Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman has completely dismantled that theory.

“Ultimately, it’s about race,” Krugman told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. “You cannot understand anything that’s happening in this election and US politics without seeing it as — unfortunately, a fairly large fraction of Americans who don’t like the fact that we’re becoming a multiracial, multicultural country.”

“They think that eats into their economic opportunity?” Amanpour asked.

“It eats into their identity,” Krugman responded. “It’s really not about economics.”

Krugman went on to add that many in his circle have come to believe that “economic anxiety” has become “kind of a joke slogan” when discussing Trump voters’ ideologies.

“That is fascinating,”Amanpour said. “The conventional wisdom is that it is all about economic hardship, and you’re saying no.”

“There is economic hardship,” Krugman replied. “West Virginia is not a happy place. But, mostly, we wouldn’t be as resistant to good news if it weren’t really about something else. And it’s really mostly about race.”

Krugman’s words have been backed up by a study which shows that people of lower intelligence, as measured by cognitive ability, tend to be prejudiced against non-conventional or liberal groups, as well as groups that have little choice in their status, such as people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.

These are the “deplorables” Hillary Clinton once referred to.


One such Trump supporter crystallized his thoughts best when he said: “Donald Trump is our last chance to take back America.”

“Take back America from whom?” you ask. The “black” and “brown” people, the “niggers” and “fags” that Trump rally supporters clearly spoke against, that’s who!




OK WASSUP! discusses politics, including
Trump rally racism on display.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. THIS is why I've made this site my "Go-to" site since (almost) its beginning.

    Very informative post DJ. As usual, you've simply presented the Facts and your readers can either accept them or not.

    Krugman is absolutely dead on. As he stated "ultimately" this election IS "about race."

    “You cannot understand anything that’s happening in this election and US politics without seeing it as — unfortunately, a fairly large fraction of Americans who don’t like the fact that we’re becoming a multiracial, multicultural country.”

    Krugman’s words have been backed up by a study which shows that people of lower intelligence, as measured by cognitive ability, tend to be prejudiced against non-conventional or liberal groups, as well as groups that have little choice in their status, such as people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation. […]

    These are the “deplorables” Hillary Clinton once referred to. [….]

    And no matter how they try to deny it, "the Truth is the Truth…Anyhow."

    1. Thank you, Truthiz1, for making OK WASSUP! your "go to" site. When I launched the site 8 years ago now, I made a promise that I'd always want to (and would never need to) tell nothing but the truth. I hope I've lived up to that goal. Your continued support is always appreciated.

      – DJ

      1. I remember discovering your site shortly after you'd launch. And if i recall correctly, BD had already beat me to it…lol.

        At that time I was already a faithful reader of Andrew Sullivan's blog *The Dish* …and I remained so until he shut it down in early 2015 as a result of burn-out and concern for his health. Btw- he now writes on occasion for the New York Magazine. But I digress.

        At about the same time I discovered OK Wassup! I also stumbled onto Pat Buchanan's site, The American Conservative, and more specifically, TAC blogger Rod Dreher.

        Ok Wassup! and TAC remain my primary "Go-to" sites and I don't see that changing….Ever.

        Thanks for putting up with me DJ.

  2. …..btw, on a somewhat related note……..

    Trump and his (mostly) "poorly educated" supporters are no doubt filled with even more Hate this morning as the news broke Sunday evening that FBI Director, James Comey has now come out and publicly admitted that "NOTHING in Huma Abedin's emails has changed the FBI's and his original judgment (NOT to indict Hillary) from July."

    Which begs the question, if Hillary wins tomorrow -and Lord knows I'm praying that she does – will Comey just do the right thing and resign?

  3. Preach DJ. Like Truth said the truth is the truth. You told it like it is and nobody can argue with that. But I know if Hillary wins tomorrow some folks won't be satisfied and are going to want to start some trouble. All I can do is pray for them.

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