Trump Recommends COVID Vaccine

Did you hear the news? Donald Trump recommends COVID vaccine and hell freezes over!
Current Events
OK, perhaps hell didn’t really freeze over. However, after every living former president banded together to recommend that all Americans go out and get the COVID vaccine, Trump was left on the sidelines as an insignificant spectator. Realizing that a certain segment of America hangs on Trump’s every word and that 50% of Republican men have (without justification) decided against being vaccinated, both President Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci begged Trump to urge his MAGA flock to get the shot.
Apparently, wishes do come true as Trump finally joined the other ex-presidents in promoting the vaccine.
“We have our freedoms and we have to live by that and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine and it is something that works,” Trump told his followers on Fox News.
Is ‘The Donald’ attempting to play nice with his predecessors? Or, were his words merely to promote himself as the man who (in his mind) is solely responsible for the vaccine?
We know that everything…Everything…this Loser does he does for the sole purpose of benefiting One person. Himself. So yep, it was done in part to “promote himself as the man who (in his mind) is solely responsible for the vaccine.”
But I would posit that it was also done to deflect attention away from the fact that, as recently revealed, both He and his wife secretly got the vaccine in January of this year.
With all the BS spewed from his mouth in January, which led to an insurrection and the deaths of 5 people, he somehow DIDN’T mention to his rabid-azz followers that he and Melania had gotten the shot!?! The guy is always true to his nature. Always.