
Trump Regretters Rising; Want Their Vote Back

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Trump Regretters…

There’s a growing group of Americans that seems to be expanding by the week.  They’re called Trump Regretters and they want their vote back.

Oh, say it ain’t so, but there’s trouble in Trumpland.  After only 7 months, optimism for “The Donald” is starting to wear off among his core supporters.  In fact, among Americans at large, his once shining star is starting to fade.

According to a new set of NBC News/Marist polls, voters in 3 key states that helped him win now say they are Trump Regretters and feel “embarrassed” by his conduct in office.

Trump Regretters

The polls show that nearly two-thirds of registered voters in Pennsylvania (63%), Wisconsin and Michigan (both 64%) said they are embarrassed by Trump’s conduct as President, while only one-fourth of registered voters in those states said they are “proud” of it.  For example, in Michigan 36% of registered voters said they approve of Trump’s job performance and 55% disapprove, while in Pennsylvania 35% approve and 54% disapprove, and in Wisconsin 34% approve and 56% disapprove.

Interestingly, the polls also discovered that 48% of voters in Michigan would prefer to see Democrats win control of Congress in next year’s mid-term election. In Pennsylvania, 47% would like to see Democrats win majorities, while in Wisconsin, 46% want to see Democrats win.

This can’t be good news for the GOP.  However, they made their bed by allowing Trump to take over and become the face of their party, so now they must lie in it — and so must his supporters.

Jorge Ramirez, a Oceanside, California minister who considers himself a conservative Republican (and also happens to be in the country illegally),  encouraged his US citizen daughter to vote for Trump. Somehow he believed he was exempt from “The Donald’s” immigration crackdown and that Trump would target those “other” people.  However, Ramirez learned a valuable lesson when Border Patrol agents pulled up to his home and told him to get out of the country.  What was he thinking? Now full of regrets, why did he fool himself into believing all the rhetoric Trump promised somehow didn’t apply to him?

Trump Regretters

Now, many Trump Regretters are beginning to speak out against their former hero.  Chaos within the White House and among its staff, Trump’s response to the Charlottesville racism, as well as his uncontrollable Twitter habit has rattled even the most loyal of supporters.

“All the bickering, fighting and firings take time away from solving all of our problems,” said Joe Canino, 62, of Hebron, Connecticut.

Trump Regretters“I am somewhat concerned with all the tension,” said Wayne Moore, 60, of Henderson, Kentucky. “It looks like there are more chiefs than Indians.”

“I was very disappointed in the way he ripped up Jeff Sessions, who was basically the first one to sign up” to support Trump’s candidacy, Barney Carter of St. Marys, Georgia said. “He’s a long-tenured, respected lawmaker, and it just didn’t make sense to me.”

Pat Jolliff, 60, of Rochester, Indiana said that Trump’s threat of “fire and fury” against North Korea risked making a bad situation worse.

“I think his words, once again, are some of his worst enemies,” Jolliff said. “He comes across as a bully, a tyrant, somebody who always has to have his way.”

Trump’s words and how he uses them have become a huge concern among Trump Regretters.

“His words actually have a lot of power and have a ripple effect with the rest of the world,” a woman identified only as “Jackie” said. She added that she was overcome with sadness and empathy after seeing families trying to come to the United States after Trump’s travel ban went into effect, saying that the looks of fear on their faces tugged at her heart.

Trump RegrettersTackling the subject of Twitter, John Montgomery said he wishes Trump would understand that some thoughts are better left untweeted.

“He comes out looking like a damn fool 60% of the time,” Duane Gray, 63, a truck driver from Boise, Idaho said.

However, some Trump Regretters have been afraid to come forward and admit their voting mistake.  Their concerns are rooted in a fear of being mocked by liberals or in losing longtime friends.

According to Jackie, she never considered the importance her vote played among relationships with progressive friends, who have since shunned her.

“I didn’t realize how much our relationship hinged on me voting for Trump,” Jackie said.

OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Trump Regretters want their vote back.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Regular readers may recall that I’m no fan of most polls and never have been. However, I will say this…. IF what I’m seeing and hearing first-hand – among some Trump voters on my job -is any indication of what is actually happening among other Trump voters out there having serious regrets then perhaps these polls really are credible. For example, my administrative assistant had been a staunch Trump supporter all throughout the GOP primaries up to election day and the inauguration. She was absolutely giddy about the promise of a Trump presidency. Welp…by late March of this year, I noticed a real drop in her mentioning how much confidence she had in the man. Fast-forward to June and there was no mention of him at all. By the start of this month (Aug) she arrives at work most days with a look of despondence clearly visible on her face.… Read more »


On a related note……..

I simply can’t resist pointing out any Latinos, Muslims and Blacks who voted for that fool, to say nothing of LGBT voters who actually supported him. None of them deserve any better than Trump for their president.

And Dems, IMO, would do well to write off Trump voters, generally speaking. Remember- approx 92 MILLION voters did NOT vote in the 2016 presidential election. Fight like h*ll to keep the support of millions who voted for Hillary (she won the popular vote) and go after the majority of that 92 million.


And so apparently despite Trump bragging about the “beautiful turnout” at his recent rally in Phoenix, in actuality the crowd-size was umm…a bit thin.

“Trump Fires Longtime Event Organizer Over Sparse Crowd at Phoenix Rally”

Full read: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/08/trump-fires-event-organizer-over-crowd-size-at-phoenix-rally.html


We tried to tell these fools you don’t hand the most powerful job in the world to somebody like Trump. He is a clown and a crook. There is no way around it. They asked for it so they got it. Like Truth said I don’t feel sorry for none of them.

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