Lawless Trump Abusing Pardons For Pleasure

King Trump is at it again. Believing he is the omnipotent dictator of America, Donald ‘Lawless’ Trump has now stooped to using the power of the presidential pardon to convince others to circumvent the law on his behalf in order to get his way.
Recently, ‘Lawless Trump’ decided on a whim he dislikes the existing US law that allows the acceptance of asylum seekers into the country. So, instead of simply honoring the law or, at the very least, petitioning Congress to change the law, he approached Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan and offered to pardon him if he broke the law and denied migrant asylum seekers from entering the US.
Reportedly, his dalliance with McAleenan came after he first approached former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen with the same offer, before firing her late last week.
Now, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler and fellow Democrats are investigating, saying Trump’s offer “follows a troubling pattern of conduct.”
In a letter to McAleenan demanding documentation of witnesses who were present during the pardon offer, Democrats said Trump “views the pardon power as a political tool, or even worse, as an expedient mechanism for circumventing the law or avoiding the consequences of his own conduct.”
In a petty response to those Democrats who blocked him from boldly breaking the law, Lawless Trump threatened on Tuesday that if he doesn’t get his way to abruptly terminate US asylum laws, he will funnel undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers to “sanctuary cities” across the country, including New York, Denver, Seattle, and other Blue/Democrat cities.
Interestingly, misuse of the presidential pardon by Lawless Trump didn’t just stop at the border.
As part of an investigation into ‘The Donald’s’ potential financial involvement with the Russian government as well as his violation of the emoluments clause of the US Constitution, the Democratically controlled House of Representatives demanded that Trump turn over his tax returns. When he (yet again) refused, congressional leaders used their legislative power to direct the US Treasury Department to release the returns instead. They also issued subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and other financial institutions to provide information on Trump’s finances.
“As part of our oversight authority and authorized investigation into allegations of potential foreign influence on the US political process, the House Intelligence Committee today issued subpoenas to multiple financial institutions in coordination with the House Financial Services Committee, including a friendly subpoena to Deutsche Bank, which has been cooperative with the Committees,” House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said on Tuesday.
“The potential use of the US financial system for illicit purposes is a very serious concern. The Financial Services Committee is exploring these matters, including as they may involve the President and his associates, as thoroughly as possible pursuant to its oversight authority, and will follow the facts wherever they may lead us,” House Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters added.
However, since he clearly has something severe to hide, Lawless Trump instead convened his legal team, hired additional legal firepower, and yes, has even considered offering pardons to those who will blatantly ignore the demands of Congress and protect him at all costs — even if it means breaking the law.
Like it or not, this is where we are as a country. THIS is the America we now live in.
“Like it or not, this is where we are as a country. THIS is the America we now live in.” – DJ
Yep. The America millions of (mostly) white voters (via the electoral college) said they wanted in 2016.
Btw- this dovetails perfectly with an interesting piece titled “The Father-Führer” written by Kevin D. Williamson in March 2016 and published by National Review.
For millions of Trump voters Trump is their fantasy *authoritarian-wanna-be daddy-figure* come true.
Trump doesn’t give a fig about ANY of our “Laws.” And nor do millions of his supporters.
WE, the American people, brought this curse upon ourselves. And WE are the only ones that can get Us out from under it.
None of this surprises me. He really does think he is a king. I remember he use to complain Obama wouldn’t do this or that because he does not understand or care about laws. But all of this is going to come back to haunt him someday. If they don’t use a lot of this to put him in jail later the history books are going to have a field day with him.