Trump Scheme To Run Away From Prosecution
The latest Donald Trump scheme is a doozy and is so blatantly obvious, even a blind man can see through it.
Politics :
Any day now, Trump is expected to announce that he’s running for president in 2024. Now, we all know from the last go-’round that he has ZERO interest in actually being the president, in doing the work, or in making a positive impact on the nation and the world. NO! So, why run, you ask? To put it bluntly, Trump wants to be president simply to protect Trump.
The House Select Committee has built a near-perfect case against Trump for his role in the January 6th Capitol Hill insurrection — and ‘The Donald’ knows it. In fact, the heat to take him down is so hot that Trump has been frantically looking for a lifeline to save himself from becoming Prisoner #345678.
Returning to The White House as President of the United States is the very lifeline he believes could save him from federal prison.
According to Rolling Stone, Trump has openly “spoken about how when you are the president of the United States, it is tough for politically motivated prosecutors to get to you. He says when [not if] he is president again, a new Republican administration will put a stop to the [Justice Department] investigation that he views as the Biden administration working to hit him with criminal charges — or even put him and his people in prison.”
Yes, you guessed correctly. The latest Trump scheme is not to legitimately run again for a term inside the White House — but to run away from legal troubles, possible criminal charges, and a very likely sentence of prison time.
“He said something like, ‘[prosecutors] couldn’t get away with this while I was president,’” a source close to Trump recalled. “It was during a larger discussion about the investigations, other possible 2024 [primary] candidates, and what people were saying about the Jan. 6 hearings … He went on for a couple minutes about how ‘some very corrupt’ people want to ‘put me in jail.’”
Now, at least one legal scholar is urging Attorney General Merrick Garland to jump out in front of the Trump scheme and prosecute him before he announces another run for office and turns this all into a political circus.
“Mr. Trump is counting on your concerns about not ‘appearing’ political when he makes clear his belief that you wouldn’t dare approve his indictment once he announces,” Harvard Law School law professor and constitutional law expert Laurence Tribe tweeted to Attorney General Garland. “You MUST prove him wrong. Make him a TARGET now. No time to lose.”
Other legal minds also chimed in publicly with their thoughts.
Law professor Orin Kerr deemed the Trump scheme “Running for office as criminal defense strategy.”
Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance said: “Trump is afraid of Merrick Garland.”
Former US Under Secretary of State Richard Stengel tweeted: “Some candidates for president seek power, some seek fame, but only one candidate in history seeks the presidency for immunity from prosecution.”
Donald Trump is hoping against hope that his Trump scheme will return him to the Oval Office and shield him from prosecution.
However, Democrats may have an ace in the hole to use against him.
According to The Hill, Democratic lawmakers may be able to invoke the 14th Amendment insurrection clause to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot.
“Section 3 of the 14th Amendment disqualifies a person from being president who, while holding a federal office, participated in an insurrection against the United States,” The Hill reported. “After the testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, is there any doubt that Donald Trump fomented the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021?”
The Trump scheme and his desire to run in order to “run away” from prosecution, combined with a potential indictment from the US Justice Department and a last-ditch assertion of the 14th Amendment could make the next several months extremely interesting.
Stay tuned…
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The latest Donald Trump scheme to avoid jail.
According to The Hill, Democratic lawmakers may be able to invoke the 14th Amendment insurrection clause to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot. […] – DJ
That’s certainly a possibility but Dem leaders aren’t fighters by nature. Most of them tend to be arrogant and smug but weak!
The Jan. 6 committee has done a great job. It really has! But it’s not lost on me that Liz Cheney is Vice-Chair of that committee and she’s been front and center of the entire hearing and extremely instrumental in forming the narrative against Trump based on truths, facts and concrete evidence.
Liz Cheney takes NO prisoners. She’s an actual conservative Repub and a great pick to co-chair the committee.
Liz is killing it over there. Too bad she does not have any future in the Repub party. I wish she would think about switching to the Dems or running with a Dem for president on a combined ticket.
So will Dem leaders have to Courage to even consider invoking the 14th Amendment insurrection clause to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot, if necessary? Maybe(?)
Will they have the Courage to actually do it?
I’ll have to see it to believe it.
I know Dems are weak sometimes. But they have to already know about this. My hope is they have some plan to take down Trump and embarrass Repubs before the midterms. But maybe that is too much to ask from them.