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Trump Stole 300 Classified Documents!

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Yes, the Breaking News everyone’s talking about is true. Donald Trump stole 300 classified documents from The White House.

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According to The New York Times, the papers the brazen Trump took included material from the CIA, the National Security Agency, and the FBI. The US National Archives was able to recover 150 documents in January. The US Justice Department collected a 2nd set in June, while a 3rd batch was seized during an FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago earlier this month. Almost all of the documents were classified under the highest security level and were so sensitive, that they were required to be under guard by the US government — and not in some basement at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

Trump Stole 300

During the FBI raid earlier this month, officials seized 26 boxes of documents. Clearly, taking dozens of boxes of classified papers from The White House was no accident.

So, what’s going on here? The fact that Donald Trump stole 300 classified documents is beyond shocking. However, the burning question is: why would he do it?

One theory is that Trump stole 300 highly-sensitive documents as a bargaining chip to use against the government in order to prevent him from being arrested. “Arrest me, and I turn these documents over to Russia,” was Trump’s likely mindset in the thievery.

Trump Stole 300

Another (albeit farfetched) theory is that Trump wanted to sift through the documents in order to find a “smoking gun” that could clear the stain of his multiple impeachments. With this theory, Trump believed all he needed to do was prove the “Deep State” was out to get him, and he could clear his reputation in the history books.

However, ‘The Donald’ himself told us all why Trump stole 300 classified documents.

“They’re mine!” Trump reportedly told his aides who begged him not to touch the papers.

In an interesting twist, the US Justice Department believes the 300 documents they’ve already recovered from Trump may not be all. Or, in other words, he could be hoarding more.

If anyone is still confused about why it’s not smart to hand the keys of national security to a 2-bit conniving reality television star, look no further than Donald J. Trump.

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Donald Trump stole 300 classified documents.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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However, ‘The Donald’ himself told us all why Trump stole 300 classified documents. “They’re mine!” Trump reportedly told his aides who begged him not to touch the papers. […] – DJ 

Was hoping you would post about this news this morning DJ. You did not disappoint!

We know that that lying-azz, dangerous fool is corrupt enough to steal those classified documents. But let’s face it, he’s also dumb enough, and delusional enough to think those documents actually belong to him simply because he said so. Despite his aides begging him not to touch those documents let alone take them…smh!

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

There’s no doubt in my mind that his intent was to sell access to those documents to the highest bidder. Russia being at the top of his list and then China and/or Saudi Arabia et al.

Again, let’s face it – that fool has had had those classified documents since he left the White House. I think it’s very likely he’s already sold Us out and made a lot of money off of those documents.

His plan was to make millions off of those documents!


I hate to say it but you might be right. We could be sold out already.


Yep. It wouldn’t surprise one bit, sad to say.

And IF they find evidence that he actually did that…that’s Treason. And he should spend the rest of his Treasonous life in prison. A real prison. Not some country club style prison!


Hey Truth you are right about that. He already gave away some of the information a long time ago. If I was Biden I would be real worried. Because we have no idea what could be out there and where it went to.


And on a related note……

Mark Meadows had better hire a good attorney because my guess is, he’s gonna need one!

I think the man is in a LOT of trouble – Not just because of his role in the lead up to the Jan. 6 riot AND then on Jan. 6 – but also because of the role he played in allowing Trump to abscond with those classified documents after Meadows reportedly “assured aides that the harried packing up of the White House would follow requirements about the preservation of documents, and he said he would make efforts to ensure that the administration complied with the Presidential Records Act, according to people familiar with those conversations.”

‘The Final Days of the Trump White House: Chaos and Scattered Papers’ – New York Times, Aug. 20, 2022

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Trump, Meadows, Guliani. Throw all of them in jail. I think when it is all said and done and a lot of information comes out to the public, this is going to be a lot worse than we know. That is why Merrick Garland had to go in there with a emergency search warrant. This thing is bad.


Oh absolutely BD, Giuliani’s in big time trouble too! As you said “Throw all of them in jail.” That’s where ALL of them belong!

Btw- A close friend of Giuliani was on MSNBC last night. He’s also an attorney and he didn’t beat around the bush. He believes that Giuliani is definitely going to be indicted.

But he blamed Trump- “Trump stole Giuliani’s soul.”

No he didn’t. Giuliani voluntarily gave Trump his soul along with his heart and mind and career!



Federal investigators found batches of sensitive, official White House records in the basement of Mar-a-Lago and in the closet in Donald Trump’s office, according to The New York Times.

As of this month’s raid, Justice Department officials have taken back 26 boxes of documents, including 11 sets that were categorized as classified. One set of documents had top secret information, according to The Times.

It’s not immediately clear how these documents are traditionally stored in the White House or how they would be stored in the National Archives, but several people familiar with the investigation told The Times that the FBI found documents in a container that was in a closet in Trump’s office.


It has been a long day I can finally get to this. So if Trump took these documents when he left office and they are just now getting them back there is no way he has not used them already. I do not trust him. Trump puts himself above everybody else, even the country. I agree with Truth the information has probably already been compromised.


Update: The New York Times broke this story a short while ago………

‘Trump Kept More Than 700 Pages of Classified Documents, Letter From National Archives Says’

President Donald J. Trump took more than 700 pages of classified documents, including some related to the nation’s most covert intelligence operations, to his private club and residence in Florida when he left the White House in January 2021, according to a letter that the National Archives sent to his lawyers this year.

The letter, dated May 10 and written by the acting U.S. archivist, Debra Steidel Wall, to one of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, M. Evan Corcoran, described the state of alarm in the Justice Department as officials there began to realize how serious the documents were. […] – Aug. 23, 2022 at 2:29 p.m. ET

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Wait a minute Truth. You mean to tell me they found out this fool took 700 pages now??? He really needs to be behind bars right now.


No BD. that fool took “MORE than 700 pages” of classified documents!!!


NYTimes Reader:
Just keeps getting better. What was this guy thinking? Oh yes, he wasn’t, didn’t doesn’t. Or he’s a total criminal. Or both. My goodness – when will he be indicted, tried and, hopefully duly jailed. […]

NYTimes Reader:
If Trump doesn’t go to prison for this. It will absolutely destroy this country. More than half the country absolutely will not live under an autocracy or monarchy. NO ONE is above the law. […]

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Now I have to agree with Wil from earlier. I am starting to get worried Trump has already sold some national secrets or handed them over to Putin or something. I really think he is going to go down hard eventually. My thing is what is to stop him from telling secrets now though? That is why he should be in jail today.


NYTimes Reader:
This is insane! Anyone else would be in custody without bail because they are a flight risk.

And why does no one say the obvious: Trump’s suspected motives were to monetize this information.

He does everything either for his ego or profit. Trump is such a base individual that these are the only animating motivations and aspects of his personality.

And yet no one will say: Perhaps he had it in mind or has been motivated by the desire to monetize these documents. […]

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

DeepSouthDude (a YouTube Commenter):
Yeah, Imma have a problem with this breach not being properly investigated and any subsequent crimes not being prosecuted. Regardless of who is involved. No one is above the law. […]

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