
Trump Stunt On Inauguration Day?

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Is Donald Trump planning to stage a signature Trump stunt on the day of Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration?

Already, there’s word out of Washington that when Donald Trump leaves The White House for his annual Christmas/New Year’s holiday at Mar-a-Lago, he has no desire or intention to return. However, could ‘The Donald’ be cooking up a Trump stunt that’s much more diabolical and sinister?

According to Axios, the vengeful and defiant Donald Trump will never concede, never admit defeat, and never play nice as Joe Biden is sworn-in as the 46th President of the United States while he’s relegated to the sidelines to watch as a pathetic loser. His narcissistic ego would never allow it.  Instead, he has concocted a spectacular, made-for-TV Trump stunt designed to steal the limelight from President-elect Joe Biden on his special day.

Trump Stunt

In a report from Axios and NBC News, sources say Trump will skip the morning inauguration pleasantries, the meet-and-greet of the incoming president, the traditional ride to the Capitol for the ceremony, and the actual inauguration. Instead, ‘The Donald’ will hold a huge rally for his MAGA minions at the exact hour of the Biden inauguration where he will claim victory that he won the election (even though he didn’t), that the election was rigged (even though it wasn’t), that he is the rightful heir to the new Republican Party, and that he intends to run again and regain his rightful place as president in 2024.

“The former network star is privately discussing using his waning powers as commander in chief to order up the exit he wants after dissing Biden by refusing to concede the election, welcome him to the White House or commit to attending his inauguration. The Trump talk could create a split-screen moment: the outgoing president addressing a roaring crowd in an airport hangar while the incoming leader is sworn in before a socially distanced audience outside the Capitol.” – Axios

If true, this presumed Trump stunt might survive the news cycle for a good 24 hours — until Trump is left mumbling “I Won” over and over to himself as a has-been who’s no longer a priority on every television screen in the world. Or, in other words, any activity from Trump would very likely end up as a great big Nothing Burger.

Joe Biden has already made it crystal clear he couldn’t care less if Donald Trump does or does not attend the inauguration. The event will go on no matter who is or isn’t there.

Additionally, Mr. Biden does not need a traditional meet-and-greet at The White House between the outgoing and incoming president. He already knows the entire place like the back of his hand and intends to begin firing on all cylinders on day one.

Trump Stunt

As for suggestions of Donald Trump using Inauguration Day to announce his bid for 2024, such a move would very likely be nothing more than a cheap and predictable Trump stunt. After all, the New York Southern District Court and the New York State Attorney General’s office each have plans for Trump and his clan that will certainly conflict with his availability in 2024.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
A cheap Trump stunt on January 20th?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Whew! At first glance DJ, I thought you had fallen for Trump’s foolishness and was going to react like the Henny Pennies on CNN and MSNBC, having a “the sky is falling” hissy fit over the fact that Trump will never concede. And he might not attend the inauguration. Those folks really should seek help for their Trump fixation.

But I digress…….

To my great relief, by the conclusion of your post, you fully restored my faith in you my good man, beginning with this sentence:

Joe Biden has already made it crystal clear he couldn’t care less if Donald Trump does or does not attend the inauguration. The event will go on no matter who is or isn’t there. […]

Thank you!

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

The minute Trump is no longer “president” his life is going to change. It will change in ways he will not be able to control, especially when it comes to legal issues.

But also in ways he’ll still be able to control. He’ll continue playing the “I am a victim therefore We (my followers) are a victim.” He will wreak even more havoc on the Republican party because he couldn’t care less about that worthless party.

And he will absolutely continue to play the American news media like a fiddle. Because he can.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

This man is a sick clown. Nobody cares if he does not go to the inauguration. They probably would like it better if he stayed away. But DJ did mention something I never thought about. Trump could leave for Christmas and not come back those last three weeks. He already stopped doing any work so I would not put it past him.


I forgot to say did anybody hear Trump say he never worked so hard in his life the way he did the past three weeks? That’s because he was doing work for himself trying to cheat the election not help the public. Maybe he should have put the same energy into trying to stop Covid and he might have won.


I forgot to say did anybody hear Trump say he never worked so hard in his life the way he did the past three weeks? […]

No. I didn’t hear that. But if he said it he was lying – of course. That deranged man-Child has spent almost his entire life lying, cheating, stealing, making sh*t up out of whole cloth, running game, pretending to be “a winner.”

When in actuality he is and always has been….a Loser. He knows it. His supporters know it.

And now the whole world knows it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1
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